Fu Hui Tokyo Special officer

Japan, located in East Asia, is worried that the situation in the Taiwan Strait will change color overnight.The Japanese government announced the joining the ranks of sanctions against Russia the day before, and also shouted to Beijing, showing that opposing the status quo by force unilaterally.

Japan will cooperate with the Seventh Kingdoms Group to implement economic sanctions on Russia

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Hiroshi held a press conference on Friday to announce that he will cooperate with the Seventh National GroupImplement new economic sanctions measures for Russia, including frozen Russian financial institutions assets, stopping visa to Russia's individuals and groups, and export control to general commodities such as semiconductors.

Japan has also increased a sense of alertness to China for the military invasion of Russia, thinking that it will inspire China to "change the status quo" on the island and other sovereignty issues.

Kishida emphasized at a press conference yesterday: "If we allow power to change the status quo, this will affect Asia. Although the main battlefield is Europe, from the perspective of national securitySevere accidents in international order. "

The University of Tsukuba studied Russia's political scholar Nakamura Yuro pointed out that Russian President Putin's offense against Ukraine was only a prelude, the purpose was to shake NATO and forced the United States to withdraw troops from Europe.He said: "Russia's hegemony is the same as that in Mainland China to be the boss in Asia."

The diplomat who has served as the Abe government think tank, Gongjiahiko, was the title of war in the Beijing Olympics.The writing pointed out that the Indo -Pacific strategy of the United States may be influenced by the situation of Russia and Ukraine.How to respond to these new situations to ensure that regional security is a strategic issue that must be considered.

However, whether China will follow Russia, he thinks it may not be easy.For Russia, it is not difficult to launch land offense, but China is not a marine country. It is not so easy to log in to attack Taiwan.He believes that if it is not for ten stability, China will not take the risk of failure to "liberate Taiwan".