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(Morning News) With the threat of Ukraine's facing Russian invasion, many neighboring countries in Ukraine have stated that they are preparing for a large number of refugees to escape for military operations.

Agence France -Presse reported that Poland expressed its firm support for Ukraine and was willing to provide assistance.The Polish Ministry of the Interior said on Wednesday (February 23): "Poland is preparing for various possible scenarios on the tension."

Previously, Vice Minister of the Ministry of the Interior of Poland said: "In the past,Since time, the Ministry of the Interior has been taking measures to prepare for as many as one million people pour. "

Polish Prime Minister Moravitzki has set up a working group to deal withRefugee trend of logistics, transportation, medical and education needs.

Slovakia, which borders in western Ukraine, said that it is also ready to do its own strength.Slovak's Defense Minister Nade said on Tuesday: "We are ready to deal with the pressure on the refugee pressure that the Slovak-Ukraine border may face."The Ukrainian who seeks asylum.

Romania said that there are no expected Ukrainians to escape from the country, but it is added that it has been prepared for receiving 500,000 people.