Hu Xi, editor -in -chief of the Global Times, posted on the personal public account and issued documents on the issue of Chinese bureaucracy, saying that countries in the world, including China, have inefficient places and reasons.EssenceHowever, China and the United States currently enter severe strategic competition. To win this competition, China should solve or at least alleviate this problem. It is necessary to continuously improve the quality and effectiveness of social operation without comparing with each other.

Hu Xijin wrote in the article that many friends have complained that they often have to participate in some formalist surface articles.He also noticed that some public officials worked day and night, but some time did have been occupied by formalist things.

There are also some people in the society, including some important positions, and their work is not all guided by actual effects. In some cases, the process of formalism has become the purpose itself.

Hu Xijin said that there are some inefficient places and reasons in all countries in the world, and no society can completely avoid universal work.In the past, it was thought that the United States was efficient, and the incident of resistance made them show an amazing and inefficient original shape.They have so many problems all year round, but they can't solve it.

Hu Xijin believes that maybe formalist bureaucracy is a common problem in human society and cannot overcome it.But he emphasized that "we can't compare with each other", and when Chinese and American entered a severe strategic competition, China has the urgency of achieving improvement in this area.To win this competition, in the final analysis, it is to continuously improve the quality and effectiveness of social operations.China should solve or at least reduce this problem, and there is also such a space for work.