(Morning News) The Czech government requested 18 Russian Embassy in the Czech embassy to leave within 48 hours of the Czech Western Embassy on Saturday (April 17) on the grounds that Russian intelligence personnel were suspected of participating in the 2014 Czech arsenal explosion.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Czech Prime Minister Barbish said at a press conference that the Czech intelligence and security departments had "sufficient evidence" suspecting that Russian intelligence personnel participated in the 2014 Czech Wood thermal explosion.In response, the Czech Republic will expel 18 Russian embassies in the Czechoczees.

Barbish said that the Czech President Zeman knew the matter and completely agreed to the decision.

The First Czech Vice Premier and Minister of the Internal Affairs Hamam Chek said at the same press conference that 18 Russian embassies in the Czech Republic were identified as intelligence personnel by the Czech security department, and they must leave the Czech Republic within 48 hours.

In October 2014, a thermal arsenal in the Zilin area southeast of the Czech Republic exploded, causing two to die.In December of the same year, another military arsenal in the area exploded.