Mo Tuwu, who is the deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity, said that the international community should recognize the legitimacy of the national unity government, not the military government, and ask for the national united government representatives to replace Min AanglaiAttending the Ayan Special Summit.

(Yangon Composite Electric) The Myanmar military launched a coup to overthrow the election government for more than two and a half months on February 1.Domestic turmoil must negotiate with national unity government, rather than acknowledging the military government.

Since the Election government led by the Democratic leader Weng Shan Shuzhi from the Myanmar military overturned, the Asianan country has been trying to promote the hostile forces of Myanmar for peaceful negotiations.The election government representatives showed signs of peace talks.

However, Min Anglai, commander -in -chief of the Burma Defense Force, has recently decided to attend the Ayan Special Summit held in Jakarta, Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia. This is the first diplomatic activity after Mintanglai overthrew the government.

The Burmese Federal Parliament Representative Committee (CRPH) issued a statement last Friday, announcing the establishment of the "National Unity Government (NUG) to fight against the military, calling for the support of the international community to recognize and restore Myanmar democratic democracy.One of the main goals.

Moe Zaw Oo, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity of the National Unity, said that the international community should recognize the legitimacy of the national unity of the government, not the military government, and ask for the representative of the national unity governmentSpecial summit.He said: "Unless the Asians are directly negotiated with the people's unity government supported by the people and have legitimacy, the negotiations will fail. It is important to be recognized by the international community."

MIN KO NAING, a senior democratic leader, said at the Facebook page of the Council of the Federal Parliament.The Vice President of the Kachin tribe and a Kellen Prime Minister were subject to the leaders of the commissioned ministers, including the Qin, Hongyu, Mencius, the Red Kelun, and the Deon.He said: "We organized a government with the most ethnic groups. We must eradicate the military government, and only the people can determine the future."

After the military launched a coup, thousands of protesters took to the streets and asked for democracy, but the military government was bloody for demonstrators.According to the political criminal assistance association, at least 730 people have been killed so far, and more than 3,000 political activists, journalists and disagreements have been detained.

Multiple cities and towns reappear protests to support the establishment of a new national unity government

Myanmar Security Forces use force on demonstrators, and even shot and kill civilians, attracting criticism of the international community. Western countries also impose sanctions on senior management of the military, their families, and companies that are connected with the military, and have always claimedAmong the sub -security of the internal affairs of various countries, many member states have condemned.

U.S. President Bynden and Japanese Prime Minister Saki Yiyi met in Washington last week. Both sides condemned Myanmar's security forces for the use of civilians.The two said in the statement: "We promise to continue to take action, urging the Myanmar military to immediately stop violence and release the detention, and quickly restore democracy."

Yesterday, many cities and towns in Myanmar once again appeared anti -government protests and supported the newly established national unity government.

A resident of Mogok, the second largest city of Mandler, Mandler, the second largest city in Mandler, revealed to Reuters that last Saturday night, the security forces broke out with demonstrators, and two demonstrators were killed.

Local media reports that the largest city Yangon exploded several times, a soldier was killed, and several other people were injured.So far, no one expressed responsibility for the bomb explosion, but the military had previously accused the demonstrators for a bomb attack.