(Kiev Comprehensive Electric) Russian President Putin ignores Western countries' warnings to send troops into two separatist areas in eastern Ukraine. Kiev has once again faced the crisis of Crimean's annexation in 2014.Can stand up and work hard.

Although European and American countries have successively launched new sanctions against Russia, countries are still judging whether Putin sent troops to Wudong on Monday to "peacekeeping" and whether it has constituted an aggression.If the punishment of Russia is severe, it will cause a rebound and angered Putin, and he is likely to order the 150,000 Russian troops gathered near the Ukraine border to surround Ukraine, and the situation will be unimaginable by that situation.

But analysts said that Ukraine, supported by Western countries, is now facing greater problems.Because of the indignation of the people, Ukraine President Zelezisky cannot show Putin's weakness in front of the people of the country, let alone be humble, but the power of the two countries is very different.It may cause the war to touch and start, and the situation is out of control at that time, which is unable to cope with Zellezki.

Fishenke, director of the Political Research Center of Kisu Tank Penta, said: "Zelei Sky's choice is getting less and less. The main goal is to avoid war.The front line of the east. "

Putin sent troops to sneak in and occupy Crimea in 2014. The strength of the means still makes Ukraine feel worried.At that time, Putin surrendered or withdrawn from the Ukrainian army in Crimea. There was no fighter in the whole process, but Ukraine not only lost Crimea, but also lost almost all the Black Sea Fleet.

Political analyst David Uk said that once Zelezzky lets history repeat history and succumb to the Russian army in the same way, his political career will soon end."If he starts to make a concession to Russia, he will be difficult to stay in the position of president."

Therefore, Zelei Sky made a tough conversation on Tuesday, saying that he would break with Moscow to urge Western countries to make full sanctions to Russia to fully sanction Russia.EssenceZelei said to reporters in Kiev: "I believe the aggression has begun, we should not ignore it."

In the face of the Russian army gathered, Ukraine trembled, and generally did not think that the Ukraine would fightRussian army.Putin has hinted on Tuesday that he acknowledged that it was not limited to Donetsk and Lugusk in Wudong, but also included other Kiev control areas, which means that Russia and Ukraine are likely to erupt positive conflicts.

However, since Crimea has been occupied, the military power of the Ukrainian government forces has been strengthened in the past eight years.Feishenko said confidently: "The Crimean incident will not repeat it. This time, it will not retreat or give up the land. Yes, this will be a real war."