The Kuomintang launched the anti -Pig Public Investment Publicity Camp today, announcing that the anti -Pig referendum was in the stage of short soldiers.Lin Weizhou, the convener of the party referendum team, said that the importance of this referendum was equivalent to the same election, and whether the Kuomintang could return to the battle of the Tianwang Mountains of Governance.

According to United News Network reports, the Kuomintang Party affairs also mentioned that because the opening of the Lai pig policy is Tsai Ing -wen's one -handed and pushing.Although Cai is a candidate, it is impossible to ask for political responsibility for this. At that time, the Chief Executive Su Zhenchang will inevitably take on political responsibility to step down.

Lin Weizhou said that for the Kuomintang, the anti -Pig referendum was promoted to help the whole people to guard the safety of the people.As far as the Kuomintang who launched the referendum is indeed a specific political transcript, which is 100 or 0 points for both parties.

Lin Weizhou said that as long as the referendum passes, the Kuomintang scores 100 points, and the DPP regime will determine the funeral clock; however, if the referendum has not passed, the Democratic Progressive Party ’s authority will be high, and the green camps will beAll the way to 2024, the relative Kuomintang will also be fell into a consolidation.

Lin Weizhou said that the referendum of the anti -Lai Pig is equal to a general election. The importance is equivalent to the Nine -in -1 election of 2022 places, and even the battle of Tianwangshan, which decides the development of 2022 and 2024, is related to whether Tsai Ing -wen will "lame" in advance. Su Zhenchangchang willWhether the political career will end in advance, it is the key point of the two major party branches.