(Washington/Paris Composite) At the time of the Ukraine crisis upgrade, the White House announced that there would be no US Russian leader summit.

The White House press secretary Pusky said at a press conference on Tuesday that as far as the current situation is concerned, "there must be no arrangement of the meeting."

Pusky did not explicitly exclude the possibility of a summit in the future.

She said: "We will never fully close the door to diplomatic channels, but unless Russia changes the route, diplomatic means cannot be successful."

At the same time, US Secretary of State's clothLincoln announced on Tuesday after Washington and Ukraine Foreign Minister Kurieba that he had canceled a talk with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on Thursday.

Brinken said: "Now we see that Russia has begun to invade Ukraine and clearly refuses diplomacy, so this talk is meaningless."Deliven to find any plan that is expected to avoid the full war of the Ukraine outbreak. If Moscow changes his attitude, he will continue to solve the existing problems through diplomatic means, and will do his best to "avoid worsening the situation, such as the Russian side, including Ukraine, including the whole territory, including it.The capital launch an attack. "

Brinken said: "Moscow must show that it is serious, but it has been the opposite of the past 24 hours." He pointed out that Russia announced earlier that he would send the army to the announcement of independence.Donetsk and Lugusk in the two regions of Ukraine.

Brincken said: "If the Russian side continues to intensify (tension), we will accompany them." He will accompany him. "It refers to more sanctions.

Ukraine Foreign Minister Culba welcomes US sanctions on Russia.He said: "Although oral condemnation is important, it is really important to take action now." He also pointed out that the United States did not show all the sanctions, but to impose sanctions one after another.He believes that if this strategy can continue, it will be effective.

The upgrade of the Ukrainian crisis has worried all parties. Many countries have worked hard to mediate and tried to relieve tension. Currently, France has the largest contribution to the EU's rotating chairman.

Since Russia has gathered the army in Russia and Ukraine last November, French President Macron has talked about 10 times with Putin, and this month also went to Moscow to meet with Putin.However, whenever Macron claims that its diplomatic efforts have achieved results, Putin turned his face to make a deterioration of the situation.

On Sunday just past, Macron and Putin made two calls, and the first one talked for more than 1 hour and 40 minutes.Macron said later that Putin had agreed to meet with Biden in principle.But a few hours later, the Kremlin said that the Russian and the United States Summit was "no specific arrangements."On Tuesday, Putin further notified Macron to acknowledge the independence of Donetsk and Lugusk in eastern Ukraine.

On Tuesday, Assistant Macron frankly said that there was no prediction that Putin would have this operation.The assistant said that Macron's approach was very risky, but even if his efforts were put into the east flow, he failed to stop Russia's invasion of Ukraine. At least he tried it, and it was enough to harvest the hearts of the people.

The presidential election will be held in April in April. The latest comprehensive polls show that Macron may include 25%of votes in the first round of voting on April 10;Advantages, there is great hope to be in power.