(Yangon French New Electric) Mintanglai, chief of the Burma Defense Force, will attend the Ayan Special Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia, the capital of Indonesia next week.This is the first diplomatic activity of the Burmese army to overthrow the elected government leader Weng Shan Shuzhi.

The Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed yesterday that Min Anglai will attend the Special Summary meeting held in Jakarta on the 24th of this month to discuss the situation in Myanmar.Thai Foreign Ministry spokesman Tani said several Yajia'an national leaders have confirmed that they will attend the meeting, including Min Angle.

Since the coup on February 1st, Myanmar has been turbulent, and thousands of protesters have taken the streets and demanded democracy.According to a local monitoring team, the military government's attempt to use force to calm down the anti -governmental movement, which has killed more than 720 people.The power of the power also detained about 3,100 political activists, journalists and different political opinions.

The actions of the Burmese Army have caused sharp condemnation from the international community. Some countries have also implemented sanctions on the senior management of the military, their families, and companies that are connected with the military.The Burmese military led by Min Anglai imprisoned the president Wen Min in the coup, as well as senior government officials such as the state -owned government, and Wengshan Shuzhi.The court also put forward a series of allegations to Weng Shan Shuzhi.