Fu Zhu Hui

Tokyo Special Commissioner

[email protected]

On the 13th of last month, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake occurred in the offshore of Fukushima in eastern Japan. This earthquake is regarded as the continuation of a large earthquake 10 years ago.Fate. Remember that shortly after the Three One Earthquake, the reporter entered the Fugshi disaster area for field interviews. After 10 years, it was not ten times to visit the disaster area with condolences.The trauma is difficult to smooth, but also feels a positive energy between the people in the disaster area.They watched each other and turned their sadness into strength, and worked hard to build a new home in the past 10 years.

At 2:46 pm on March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake occurred in the northeast waters of Japan, causing tsunami.In Japan, which is frequent in earthquakes, this is the most serious earthquake since the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923 and the Grand Earthquake in 1995.According to the Japanese authorities, the victims of the Three One Earthquake reached 220,000, and about 470,000 people evacuated after the earthquake were the most serious earthquake disaster in the Second World War.

The source of the San 1 earthquake is on the Pacific Ocean in the northeast of Japan. The earthquake waves were transmitted from 500 kilometers away to the Japanese islands, causing a large -scale shock in East Japan.At that time, people in Tokyo, even Kansai Osaka felt spinning.

30 minutes later, the tsunami rolled up, and streets in low -lying areas in the northeast were swallowed by seawater.The earthquake caused a large area of the transportation network, and it even caused Fukushima's first nuclear power plant to suffer an unprecedented impact.

The nuclear power plant later declared nuclear melting, and tens of thousands of Fukushima people surrounding the nuclear power plant were affected by the earthquake and tsunami, and they fell into a long "nuclear disaster" abyss.

On March 30, 2011, the reporter followed the radiation survey team of Tamiaoyangichi, a professor who studied the high -energy accelerator, entered Fukushima.Our group wearing a mask, wearing a radiation measuring device borrowed from the research institute, drove into the disaster area with the car.Along the way, Japanese researchers have recorded data on the measurement of the measurement of the measurement.On the day of the drizzle, the police wearing a raincoat stood on the side of the road.

At that time, the Japanese authorities had not yet blocked the surroundings of the nuclear power plant, and the car was able to enter the 10 -kilometer Daxiongcho handover.The houses in the village have gone to the building, and the villagers have refuated in the gymnasium in the Tanura City 20 kilometers away.

Now, looking back at the video recorded at the time, the boss of the gasoline station interviewed at the village entrance. She said: "The second day after the earthquake, I heard two explosions, but did not want to think about what was going on.The people in the village did not expect to go to refuge, because the house was not damaged ... Until later, when the TV reported that the nuclear power plant had nuclear leaks, the talents in the village were evacuated. "

The people in the refuge are overcrowded, but everyone lives very orderly and is waiting for the day when they can go home.At that time, they never expected that a homeland was 10 years.In 2017, the Japanese authorities gradually opened into villages that were once included in the processes of radiation.

Allow Dongdian to fall into the water? The Japanese authorities are condemned at home and abroad

The nuclear leakage of the Fukushima First Nuclear Power Plant is another difficulty in the Clash Nobel nuclear accident of the Soviet Union.

Tokyo Electric Power Corporation, which operates this power plant, has faced many difficulties in dealing with the work of dealing with radiation water and nuclear waste over the past 10 years.So far, the factory has also left high -core radiation substances.Since the factory has nowhere to collect radiation water, the authorities allow Dongdian to treat water and pour water into the sea, and its measures have been rebounded at home and abroad.

Tianwei Yang is a guest professor at the University of Tokyo Institute of Technology. Later, he has been doing measurement for nuclear radiation pollution in the village of Fukushima, and established a non -profit organization "Fukushima Regeneration Meeting" to assist the village for reconstruction.He set the measurement base in a restaurant village about 20 kilometers away from the nuclear power plant, and moved there after retiring three years ago.

He interviewed a few days ago and said: "The nuclear matter leaked by nuclear power accidents lurks in soil and forest. In recent years, the Japanese government is committed to removing pollution radiation soil, but there are many polluted trees.. Therefore, the radiation of the forests in this area is relatively high. "

Professor Tama, 80, spent his childhood in Hiroshima, where he encountered an atomic bomb explosion at the end of World War II.After the earthquake on the Sanyi, he decided to enter Fukushima himself to understand the victims brought by the accident.He pointed out: "The atomic bomb is a murder weapon, and the atomic energy is clean energy, which cannot be generalized. Japan has 56 reactors. After the Fukushima nuclear accident, we must realize that the mythical security myths do not exist.The price paid is very large. "

The scope of radiation leaks exceeds expectations. At first, the Japanese authorities only divided the scope of 10 kilometers. It was the rural areas that the radiation substance was contaminated to 20 kilometers away from Professor Tianwei and the villagers of the restaurant village.Later, the authorities also confirmed the wind direction data on the day of the nuclear accident and confirmed that the village was polluted.So the Japanese authorities hurriedly included the village in the restricted area and evacuated local residents in the second month after the earthquake.

Restaurant Village is located at about 30 kilometers northwest of Fukushima's first nuclear power plant and an average altitude of 450 meters. It was once known as one of the "most beautiful villages in Japan" because of the beautiful mountains and rivers.At the end of March 2017, the Japanese government lifted the evacuation order of the restaurant village, and villagers could return to the dining village to live.

However, the restaurant village with the original 5,000 population now has only one -third of the residents at that time, and many people are reluctant to return because of nuclear radiation.

In fact, people who stay in the village have never given up, trying to find ways to rebuild their homes by scientific methods.The villagers asked Professor Tianwei to install a radiator in the farmland to explore the pollution of the planting vegetables.For many years, they have not fully resumed agricultural production, but they have also found another way to rebuild their homes and revitalize the economy in the exploration -developing solar power generation, and changing feed grass.

Takino Zongfu and the villagers in 2015 created "green energy".They set up solar panels in the farmland to create the first electric station in the village.The current power supply is not only enough to use in the supply village, but also the remaining electricity to power companies.The restaurant's power station has become their motivation to rebuild their homes, making the villages that were originally watched.

The main sponsor Chiba Xun Road pointed out in an interview, "There are currently more than 70 villagers participating in this power station, 65 of which are landlords. Even if the new industry has been opened, we have not forgotten the original intention.The pollution work has been completed. We farming under the solar board. At present, some villagers have begun to plant feed grass. The village originally raised more than 3,000 cows. Our goal is to develop a diversified cause and restore the original state of the village.Young villagers have employment opportunities.

Three -land Coast for nearly 100 years of three encounters of the tsunami

Iwate County faces the Sanyu Coast on the side of the Pacific Ocean, and has encountered three tsunami in the past 100 years.In 1896, the three -land earthquake occurred in the Meiji period. The tsunami wavy was 30 meters high and rolled away from 20,900 people.In 1960, the tsunami caused by the Sanyu Coast was caused by the Chilean earthquake.

On March 11, 2011, the history repeats itself.Takaita, a city in the southeast city of Iwate Prefecture, has "Takada Songlin", one of the hundred beautiful scenery in Japan.Before the earthquake, the landscape of 70,000 pine trees beckoned from a distance.When the tsunami came, they almost all fell down, leaving only "a pine" in the empty loess.Luqian Takada is the area with the most casualties in Iwate County, according to statistics 2300 people were killed, accounting for one tenth of the city's population.

The love wife of the Mayor Takata Takata Takata, the mayor of Takata, is also one of the victims. He feels distressed every year on the commemorative day of the Earthquake Disaster every year.There are many posts of missing his wife in his tweets. One wrote: "Today is her birthday. This day is more painful to me than a day of sacrifice. She was only 46 years old ..." <"<" <"<" <"<" <"/p>

It is reported that about 5 minutes before the three -one earthquake, he called to his wife and asked two children to take two children to the barbecue restaurant after get off work for dinner.When the tsunami came, he happened to be on the top floor of the city hall on the fourth floor.His two children were at school at the time, and under the leadership of the teacher, they went to a high place to take refuge safely.The wife who stayed at home was unfortunately killed because she had no time to escape to a safe place.

Singapore and multi -country support reconstruction

Luqian Takata obtained support and reconstruction from Singapore and other countries after the disaster.In the local area, a multi -functional auditorium that can be used to host activities and can be used for refuge when disaster occurs, is the facilities donated by Singapore.Around this auditorium, the city also built a house similar to a HDB house.At noon, you can see some Japanese mothers chat in the park with their children.After the reconstruction, Luqian Takata has a good urban planning, and people also have a safer and firm residence.

Singaporean, who had been a volunteer in the Sanyi disaster area, and later went to the Gaotian disaster area of Luqian, Zhu Ruilin, who participated in the "Japanese Language Learning Project" for one and a half years.

She interviewed: "Living in areas that have encountered a large earthquake and tsunami, I saw that the Japanese not only had a high sense of disaster prevention, but also did not panic in response to natural disasters.How important is your home. "

Create a more sturdy dysentery to resist the disaster

The reason why the

Three One Earthquakes caused so many people to be killed, and it was generally believed that the warehouse at that time could not resist the tsunami that was seen in the century.The Gonggu area of Iwate County was measured up to 22 meters tsunami, while the rolling bank in that area was only over 10 meters.

Asahi Shimbun reported that the authorities predicted last year that a larger tsunami of "Millennium once" will occur if a gap -type earthquake occurs, with a height of 29.7 meters.In view of this, after the Three One Earthquake, the budget that the government has allocated for disaster reduction has increased year by year, and in the past two years, it has been more than 100 billion yen (about 1.2 billion yuan).

In the predicted earthquake, according to a report released by the Central Disaster Prevention Conference in Japan in March 2013, the most likely and serious is the South China Sea earthquake with the sources of the west of the west.To this end, the authorities specially set up the "Disaster Prevention Measures" group led by the Prime Minister.

This report proposes a variety of assumptions, including a magnitude 8 earthquake in the South China Sea trench. The most serious situation is that the East China Sea, the Jiyi Peninsula, the four countries, and the coast of the Kyushu Pacific will become the source area, which will lead to 62,000 to 1.34 million.The building collapsed, about 38,000 to 59,000.In addition to the tsunami, the fire caused by earthquakes is also a major concern, which may cause up to 20,000 people to be killed.

Economic losses are also huge, and the estimated economic loss caused by the damaged infrastructure will reach 124 trillion yen (about S $ 15 trillion) in 20 years.

After the

Three One Earthquake, the most obvious response strategy of various disaster areas that was hit by the tsunami was to build hardware facilities and build a higher and stronger defense embankment.In addition, the authorities also carried out publicity work through schools and media to raise awareness of disaster prevention.

Authorities also use technology and technology to make more accurate forecasts for typhoons, earthquakes and tsunami.In addition, in order to allow the people to better understand where they live, the authorities also disclose the high and low information of Japan's territory.

Disaster prevention cannot only depend on officials, and the participation of enterprises is also important.In the Kansai area, five counties including Aichi Prefecture form a "disaster prevention meeting" involved in 770 enterprises.The enterprise sent employee representatives to participate, combined with multi -party forces, and group strategies to do a good job of disaster prevention. It is believed that this will be a major policy for Japan to deal with natural disasters in the future.