
Chinese official yesterday disclosed that the national defense budget in 2021 was about 1.35 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below, about 270 billion yuan), an increase of 6.8%year -on -year.The low increase is unexpected.

China's military expenses increased by 6.6%over the previous year, the year of the lowest growth rate since the 1990s.However, China last year's GDP growth rate was only 2.3%, and 6.6%of military expenses were not low.Chinese officials have set the growth rate of GDP this year to more than 6%, but the increase in military expenses is only 0.2%higher than last year.

Compared with the increase in military expenses in the past few years, China's military expenses have not been high in recent years.From 2016 to 2021, China's military expenditure budget increased by 7.6%, 7%, 8.1%, 7.5%, 6.6%, and 6.8%, respectively, and has remained in individual digits for six consecutive years.

Considering the pressure of China in the South China Sea, the Taiwan Sea, and the border between China and India, the increase in China's military expenses "too low" has caused many netizens to worry.Some netizens appealed in a message that China should restore double -digit military expenses as soon as possible.

Global Network published an article yesterday that China's military expenses are not high, and the average proportion of military expenses accounted for about 1.3%, which is far lower than about 3.5%of the United States. Russia is about 4.4%.%; Judging from the proportion of national defense expenses, China average of about 5.3%, which is far lower than the United States, Russia and India.

In fact, China's military expenses have not been low in recent years.The period when China had a lot of debts in military expenditure was in the 1980s. At that time, China was in the early days of reform and opening up. The highest leader Deng Xiaoping proposed that "the army must patience" and given way for economic construction.In 1996, the crisis of the Taiwan Strait broke out, and China deeply felt the huge gap between its own military strength and the United States, and began to greatly increase military expenses.

From the mid -to -late 1990s to 2015, China's military expenditure basically maintained a high double -digit growth.Coupled with the significant reduction of military members in China, the situation of insufficient military expenses has improved significantly.Although the current Chinese military expenditure budget is only equivalent to a quarter of the United States, China's military expenditure has already ranked second in the world.

After the military expenditure has maintained a double -digit growth for many years, the strength and modernization of the Chinese army are not the same as before.On this basis, as long as China's military expenditure maintains the same growth rate as GDP, it can basically meet the needs of the modernization of the PLA and continue to enlarge the gap between military expenses from other powers other than the United States.

Wang Hongguang, former deputy commander of the People's Liberation Army Nanjing Military Region, said yesterday in "Today's Headline", saying that the United States' pressure on China did not decrease after the new US President Biden came to power;It is very large; under the encouragement of the United States, Japan may make conflicts on the issue of Diaoyu Islands (known as Jian Ge is the island in Japan).

He also believes that the Taiwan independence forces of the Democratic Progressive Party of China are "extremely arrogant", and the attitude of "rejection with martial arts" is resolute, and a large amount of funds are used to purchase advanced American weapons.The PLA ship was normalized to the Taiwan Strait, and the cruise consumption of combat reserve was greatly increased.Once the gun is wiped out, the required costs are still spent in the budget.

In addition, the R & D, equipment and deployment of the new equipment of the PLA requires a lot of funding support.The PLA's second -tier and third -tier troops are used in large quantities of second -generation equipment, and they need to be replaced urgently.

In the confrontation between the China -India border, the second -generation equipment such as the PLA 88 tank is also on the front line, which shows that the new equipment of the PLA is absent.

Based on the above situation, Wang Hongguang believes that China's military expenses have increased by 6.8%this year, "it is a very appropriate number."