Fu Hui Tokyo Special officer

Global crown disease and the Japanese aviation industry leads to the Japanese aviation industryIt was deeply hit, but the airline did not solve the problem with layoffs, but instead passed through the strategy of "borrowing" talents.The Japanese authorities also support these foreign borrowing plans to provide salary assistance to enterprises receiving foreign employees.

The latest data from the Japanese transportation authorities show that the overseas passenger volume of Tokyo Narita Airport fell to 1.89 million last year, which was one of the 20ths before the outbreak and the lowest level since the airport started in 1978.

Skytime Air 1,600 employees borrowed 300 companies

Japanese media pointed out that the Japanese aviation industry has suffered from suffering in the epidemic.The whole day is adopting a slimming strategy.However, they did not lay off the cost to reduce costs, but to keep employees outside the way of borrowing.Jihang has borrowed the flight attendant to a subordinate logistics company that requires manpower, and some have also been sent to government departments.The whole day is made public. At present, there are 1600 employees who "send people under fences" and borrowed 300 companies.

The all -day President Shiko Hyasaka Maki said in the literary Spring and Autumn magazine: "I have been the head of the personnel department of the personnel department for five years, knowing the importance of talent resources.In other industries, I will start to be unhappy. But in order to keep the employees' rice bowls, this is the only channel. I also look forward to that in the process of borrowing, employees can continue to grow and draw rich experience in order to put new knowledge after returning to the nest.Give full play to aviation business. "

Reporting pointed out that" foreign borrowing "employees in Japan are an extremely common inter -enterprise labor sharing model.This can not only make the company through difficulties, but also expand the company's network network.At the same time, it allows enterprises to exchange information, interact, and increase cooperation opportunities.

At present, in addition to airlines, the downturn Japanese tourism industry also uses this method to cross the epidemic.It is reported that the Japan Tourism Order Network has also borrowed 1,000 employees.