(Washington/Kiev Composite Electric) The United States and other NATO countries have stated that Russia claims that it has been withdrawn from the Ukrainian border.US President Biden said on Thursday that Russia may invade Ukraine in "in the next few days".At this tense moment, Moscow expelled US diplomat No. 2 in Moscow.
U.S. Defense Minister Austin said at the Brussels NATO headquarters on Thursday that the United States saw Russia reserves blood, the Russian army moved to more than the Ukraine border, and deployed more fighters on the border."If you are going to clean up the baggage home, you won't do these things."
Anonymous White House officials refer to Russia to send as many as 7,000 soldiers to the border on Wednesday.
The US Technology Corporation Max Technology, which tracks the dynamics of the Russian army, announced the past three days on Thursday on ThursdayThe latest satellite image shot shows that although the Russian army has withdrawn some military equipment near Ukraine, other hardware equipment has been reached.In these regions, a large number of troops and a large number of equipment are gathered in these regions in the western Russia, and Crimea, which are swallowed in Russia.
Russia expressed late at night in Singapore that Washington will not meet Russia's security guarantee, Russia will be forced to respond military military.Russia also insists that all US military withdraw from Eastern Europe and Central Europe.
Earlier, the United States has rejected some requirements put forward by Russia, including not allowing Ukraine to join NATO, restricting the influence of Western in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union to join the Republic.In this regard, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed a tough attitude on Thursday, but Russia expressed unintentional invasion of Ukraine.
U.S. Secretary of State Brillings in an interview on Wednesday that the United States has not seen evidence of the Russian army withdrawal so far."On the contrary, we continue to see the troops activities in the border areas, especially some of the pioneers that may attack Ukraine."
The German Defense Minister Langbretis also said on Thursday that Russia has no obvious removal of troops on Thursdaysign.
The Russian International Telecommunications Agency reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense finger Russia's military exercises on Thursday, and troops continued to return to the resident base through the railway.
But the Estonian intelligence organization said that Russia's 10 combat groups are advancing towards the Ukraine border. It is estimated that the Russian army has gathered as many as 170,000 people at this stage.
The director of the Estonian Intelligence Agency, Ma Lan, said that once the Russian army launch an attack, it will include missile attacks and occupying "key terrain".However, he believes that Russia's military strikes will be "local" and will avoid cities with a large population, because controlling a large number of soldiers in controlling these areas.
At the same time, the situation in eastern Ukraine was tense.On Thursday, the Urpical Army accused the parts of Lugiak in the East firing a grenade, attacking the local village, and hitting a kindergarten in a kindergarten, causing at least two civilians to be injured.
Earlier, the separatist supported by Russia pointed out that their bases were attacked by the Wu government for four times within a day, accusing the government forces of provoking the incident and leading the situation.
Reuters quoted sources that the Observer of the European Security and Cooperation Organization (OSCE) reported several shells on Thursday.
The U.S. State Department has long warned that there are signs that Russia continues to find excuses for invasion, such as "racial extinction" or discovery of chaotic burial pits in the Donbass region, which must be vigilant.
In addition, the US President Biden and German Chancellor Tsutz Weekly urged Moscow to take practical actions to resolve the tension.The White House said that the two leaders emphasized that if Moscow invaded Ukraine, it is important to strengthen the security of the East Wing in NATO.After the Souls meeting, a statement issued a statement that Russia's possibility of attacking Ukraine is still very high.