The US Department of Defense stated in a legal document that U.S. officials include Chinese smartphone giants Xiaomi Group in a blacklist of companies that are connected to the Chinese military, partly because the company's founder Lei Jun had done because of what he did because of what he did because of him.Contributions were commended by Chinese government departments.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Lei Jun, the founder and CEO of Xiaomi Group, was awarded the title of "Outstanding Socialist Business Building" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other Chinese departments in 2019.There were 100 Chinese entrepreneurs who received this title that year.Xiaomi Group promoted the award on the Lei Jun resume page of the company's website and Xiaomi's annual report.

Reports quoted the above legal documents show that this award, coupled with Xiaomi's ambitious investment plans in advanced technology fields such as 5G and artificial intelligence, is enough to allow the US Department of Defense to include Xiaomi into a company that supports the Chinese military in January this year.List.The blacklist prohibits Americans from investing in Xiaomi, the world's third largest smartphone seller.

The US Department of Defense listed the reason for the court document to include Xiaomi on the list. This is a response to the Chinese company in the United States Court of China in Washington Special Administrative Region in Washington.This document was announced last week, but it was not reported before.It first revealed the reason for the US Department of Defense to include a company on the list.

Xiaomi has previously denied any connection with the Chinese military and stated that its products and services are only used for civilian and commercial use.