The United States Chief Infectious Disease Expert, Bo Qi, believes that many countries around the world, especially in some regions of the United States, have been tired of crown disease, and people only want to restore the epidemic in some ways before the epidemic situation.Life.

(Chicago Composite) The United States is preparing for the transition of crown diseases to the non -crisis stage.In the United States, the chief infectious disease expert, Fuqi, said that although the risk of crown disease still exists, it is now the time that the United States has gradually recovered normal.

Leading the White House crown disease should respond to the group's deck on Wednesday (16th), and pointed out that the states of the United States are facing difficult choices and must protect the people from the diseased crown virus infection and the epidemic entering the entering.After the third year and the increase in fatigue, a balance of fatigue.He said: "There is no perfect solution for this."

Fook believes that many countries around the world, especially in some areas of the United States, have been tired of crown disease, and people only want to pass a certain certain through some of them.Method to restore the life before the epidemic.He said: "We don't want to act recklessly and leave all (epidemic prevention measures) aside, but we must start to move in this direction."

Fuki admits that the state -of -state government's revised epidemic prevention policy may lead to a result of the revised epidemic prevention policy.Some unnecessary infections.But he believes that long -term strict epidemic prevention policies are also harmful to people.He said: "The impact on mental health; the impact on children's development; the impact on school -this and trying to maintain the original state and prevent infection from getting balance? I have no correct answer."

White House Crown Diseases Coordinator Zanes also pointed out that the United States is moving towards a "crown disease is no longer a crisis", but a era of "prevention and treatment."He said that the authorities are preparing for the next stage of the epidemic, including updating the guidance principles of wearing masks and strengthening American testing capabilities.

Zanes said at a press conference: "Our most important and most priority task is to fight Omikon. At the same time, we are preparing for the future."

According to CDC data, the United States has increased by an average of 147 million crown diseases in the past seven days, about 40%less than the previous week.The case of admission in the same period also dropped by about 28%, from about 9,500 per day.

Director of the American Disease Control and Prevention Center (CDC) Valenceki said that CDC is expected to release the amendment to the Pointing Potential South in late February or early March.This is not far from the time points of several large states in the United States.

Including New Jersey, New York State, California, Connecticut, Tellahua and Oregon, Duozhou has announced that it will be forced to wear masks in schools and other public places in the next few weeks.Provisions.

At the same time, New York Mayor Adams called on corporate executives to let employees return to the office to work.He pointed out that the empty building slowed down the recovery of New York City.