Japan Yomiramma News reported today (5th) that the U.S. military stationed in Japan had falsely thought about the Diaoyu Islands (known as the "Shougang Island"). It was originally planned to implement training in the waters around the island in February this year.Stop.

It is reported that the U.S. military trains around the Diaoyu Islands are rare, and this move intends to contain China.

Reports quoted a number of Japanese government related sources that the U.S. military in Japan had planned to submit a series of operations such as ammunition such as ammunition and other materials from transport aircraft, and receiving a series of operations at sea.

It is reported that in order to defend and regain the Diaoyu Islands, the U.S. military seems to try to strengthen its supply capacity to send ships towards the island troops and surrounding waters.In response to the training plan of the US military in Japan, the Japanese government said that this is the United States' clear statement on the Diaoyu Islands issue. It intends to show its emphasis on the attitude of the allies through rare training and try to contain China.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly responded that the Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islands are inherent in China. The Chinese Maritime Police's launching law enforcement activities in the Diaoyu Islands waters is a legitimate measure for China to maintain sovereignty in accordance with the law.