The White House National Security Council announced on Wednesday (3rd) the first national security strategic guide for Biden's government, which specifically pointed out that China is the only "main competitor" to challenge the international system with potential comprehensive strength.

According to Voice of the United States, the National Security Council stated that this strategic guide is the vision of President Biden when he is in contact with the world, providing Guoan strategic guidance for the US government departments.


Strategic Guide warns that global democracy, including the United States, is being besieged. "Free society has been challenged by corruption, inequality, unfairness, polarization, populism, and anti -free threats to the rule of law.The nationalism and localism, which accelerated due to the crisis of the crown disease, created the mentality of various countries for their own mentality, which made all of us more isolated, less prosperity, and less security. Democratic countries are becoming more and more challenged by external hostile power."

Biden said in the preface of the guide that the United States must expand outward instead of retreating back to China. It is necessary to show the strength of the United States all over the world, and before threats to the United States, it will be eliminated.


Guide also pointed out that the distribution of world power is changing, and it has also brought new threats, especially China, because China has quickly become stronger, and among the American competitors, only China has the potential to combine the economy, diplomacy, military and military and military, andScientific and technological forces continue to challenge a stable and open international system.

U.S. Secretary of State Brills made a speech earlier on the same day to explain the part of the foreign policy in this strategic guide. In China, he said that the "biggest geopolitical test" facing the United States in the 21st century is the United States and China.relation.

Brinken said that the United States should "control" the relationship with China from "advantageous status". "This requires us to contact international organizations in diplomacy, because where we withdraw from our exit"

The Guide said that the Bayeng government will cooperate with international allies such as NATO, Australia, New Zealand allies such as Japan and South Korea, to stand internationally to unite countries to establish more effective international normsLet countries like China take responsibility for their actions, "such an international alliance advantage is the largest strategic asset in the United States."


Guide mentioned that the US government will support Taiwan's leading democracy, important economic and security partners, and the United States has a long -term commitment to Taiwan. At the same time, it will adhere to democracy, human rights, and humanity in Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet.dignity.

The Biden government will also cooperate with China to seek climate change, global health and safety, weapon control and non -diffusion in the common interests of the United States and China.