This 24 -page document pointed out that the fate of the United States is inseparable from the world, including against the global crown disease, economic recession, racial righteous crisis, and climate warming.In the foreword, Biden said that the United States must expand outside instead of retreating back to China. It is necessary to show the strength of the United States all over the world, and it will disappear before threats to the United States.

(Washington Composite Electric) The National Security Council of the US White House announced the mid -term guidelines of the Biden government's national security strategy, which specifically pointed out that China is the only main competitor to challenge the international system with potential comprehensive strength.

At the White House news briefing on Wednesday, the White House spokesman Saqi said that this strategic policy is Bayeng's vision for the world to provide the US government with national security strategic guidance.It provides a direction for various US government departments to formulate a comprehensive US national security strategy, and the final report will be announced later this year.

This 24 -page document pointed out that the fate of the United States is inseparable from the world, including against the global crown disease, economic recession, racial justice crisis, and climate warming.In the foreword, Biden said that the United States must expand outside instead of retreating back to China. It is necessary to show the strength of the United States all over the world, and it will disappear before threats to the United States.


report pointed out that the distribution of world power is changing, which has also brought new threats, especially China, because China has quickly become stronger.Among the many competitors in the United States, only China has the potential to combine economic, diplomacy, military and scientific and technological forces to continue to challenge the international system of stable and open.


Report also mentioned that Russia is still determined to strengthen its global influence and play a destructive role on the international stage; Beijing and Moscow have invested a lot of investment, trying to "restrict the advantages of the United States and prevent us from defending our interests around the world.And allies ".

Bynden government will cooperate with NATO, Australia, New Zealand, such as Japan and South Korea, to stand internationally to establish more effective international norms internationally, so that countries like China for their behaviorResponsible.The Biden government will support China's near neighbors and business partners so that they can make independent political decisions without coercion.

The United States will seek cooperation with China

However, the report said that the Bayeng government will seek cooperation with China in terms of common interests of the United States and China, including climate change, global health and safety, weapons control, and so on.

Earlier on the same day, US Secretary of State Broskented on the first foreign policy speech since taking office, which also listed China's challenges as one of the focus of work, saying that China is the "largest geographical test" faced by the United States in the 21st century.

Brinken said that many countries have a serious challenge to the United States, but only China has the strength of economy, diplomacy, military and scientific and technological strength that shakes its current international system.

He said that Washington will "compete when competing, cooperate when they can cooperate, and confront them when they must fight"; but he pointed out that no matter what form, "we must from the advantage status.Come to contact China. "

Brinken emphasized that when the United States responds to Chinese challenges, we must cooperate with allies and partners, "because our unity force makes China more difficult to ignore."

Brinken listed the eight major priority work. Except for China, the remaining seven items included to repel the epidemic situation of crown disease, rebuild the economy, update democratic systems, reform immigration policies, strengthen allies, respond to climate change, and maintain high -tech to maintain high -techleadership.

It is worth noting that Brins vowed that the United States will adopt a more prudent attitude in the future to participate in the overseas war.He said: "Diplomacy, not military operations, will always be the first."