U.S. Secretary of State Brills delivered the first major foreign policy speech on Wednesday (March 3).He listed the eight major priorities of US diplomacy, one of which was to deal with Chinese challenges.He pointed out that China is the only country that can seriously challenge the existing and open international order.

According to Voice of the United States, Brinken announced that China is the largest geopolitical test facing the United States in the 21st century.He said that some other countries also challenged the United States, including Russia, Iran and North Korea. Other serious challenges include Yemen, Ethiopia and Myanmar, but China's challenges are different.

He said that China is the only international system that has economic, diplomatic, military and technical strength to stabilize and open. All those countries that we hope that the world can operate in this way constitutes a major challenge.And this system ultimately serves the interests of the American people and reflects the value of the American people. "

The chief diplist in the United States said that Washington will compete with China at the time of time, and cooperate when it is possible to confront it when necessary, but he pointed out that no matter what formChina contact. "

Brintken emphasized that when the United States responds to Chinese challenges, we must cooperate with allies and partners, "because our unity force makes China more difficult to ignore."

For this reason, Brinken listed a series of specific actions. "This requires usWhen human rights are violated and the democracy of Hong Kong is trampled on, it will stand up to defend our values, because if we do not do this, China will take more fearless actions.A fair competitive environment, because when we do this, we can surpass anyone. "

The eight major diplomacy proposed by Brinken is preferred to repel the epidemic, rebuild the economy, update the democratic system, reform the immigration policy, strengthen the relationship between allies, respond to climate change, maintain high -tech leadership, and respond to China challenges.He pointed out that these are the areas of the most urgent need to change and make progress, and it is also the reflection of President Bayeng's strategy in foreign policy.

Brinken said that the United States "uses every tool to stop those countries that stole our intellectual property or manipulate their currency to obtain unfavorable advantages."

Brinken pointed out that "supporting our democratic system is the top priority of foreign policy." Otherwise, it is true that China and Russia and China are in their hearts. "They are looking for every opportunity to question our democracy."

Brintken also announced that the United States "will not be able to promote democracy through expensive military intervention or try to overthrow dictatorship with force."

Earlier last month, the US President Biden also spoke for the first foreign policy after taking office in the State Department, calling China as the "most severe competitor" in the United States.Bayon said, "We will face China's economic evil deeds, counter its aggressive and coercive behaviors, and return to China to attack human rights, intellectual property and global governance." Biden also said, "But we have done it wellPrepare to work with Beijing when they meet the interests of the United States. "

Biden emphasized that in order to better competition, the United States must first deal with domestic problems, and then join forces with allies to occupy a place in the international community and rebuild US credit and moral authority.