The practice of drivers blocking the US -Canadian border channel may hurt the automotive industry and agriculture.

The Canadian Minister of Industry Shang Pengfei also said that the blocked bridge is vital to the supply chain, and thousands of workers and enterprises rely on it to maintain their livelihood.

The anti -vaccine demonstration launched by Canadian truck drivers last month has lasted for two weeks.

The "Ambassador Bridge" connected to Ottawa and Detroit was blocked by demonstrators on Monday and Tuesday. The two -way entrance was closed for a while, and then gradually reappeared.Another border channel located in Alberta, Canada has closed two -way closure from Tuesday evening.

The White House Press Secretary Pusky said on Wednesday: "I think all people in Canada and the United States should understand the impact of this blocking operation -it may be caused by the workers and the production lineImpact, this is what we are most concerned about ... We are also paying close attention to the interruption of the US agricultural product export from Michigan to Canada. "


She told reporters that because of concern that the protests may evolve into a riot, the US government is working with the Canadian authorities to divert the blocking channel traffic.

It is estimated that more than 40,000 commuters, tourists and truck drivers are carried on the ambassador bridge worth 323 million US dollars (about $ 433.66 million).

McLM, president of the Bank of Canada, calls on the authorities to solve the problem as soon as possible.He pointed out: "If the key to entering Canada has been blocked for a long time, it may have a significant impact on the economy. The global supply chain is already tight, and we should not worsen the snow."

Ford Ford and ToyotaIt is implicated by this blocking operation and announced temporary suspension of production.The Canadian Public Safety Minister Blall warned that the protests disrupted their livelihood and said that it was "ended before causing greater damage."

The demonstrators insisted that they had a peaceful protest, but some citizens of Ottawa said they had been attacked and harassed.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau condemned the demonstration of truck drivers to be unacceptable, while the police said that they would arrest the demonstrators.

The wave of demonstrations in Canada also stirred the imitation effect in New Zealand.Anti -vaccine demonstrators in New Zealand clashed with the police on Thursday, and more than 120 were arrested.

Starting from Tuesday, the demonstrators gathered outside the Capitol of Wellington. The police requested the demonstrators to leave through the loudspeaker on Thursday morning, but the demonstrators insisted that they were just a peaceful demonstration, but were provoked by the police.

New Zealand Vice Premier Robertson said that the patients' patience with the demonstrators had been exhausted and asked the police to intervene.

He said in an interview with radio stations: "The roads in the urban area are blocked and the store is forced to close. These demonstrators have threatened the people."