(Morning News) The United Nations special envoy warns the Burmese military that any severe action to the demonstrators may bring "serious consequences".

Reuters reports that the UN Secretary -General of Myanmar Affairs Chronine Schraner Burgener, Soe Win, deputy chief commander of the Burmese Army on Monday (15th) on Monday (15th).She reiterated that the Myanmar military must maintain the democratic system and procedures, to avoid violence and fully respect human rights, basic freedom, and rule of law.

A spokesman for UN Secretary -General Harker said at a press conference at the New York Headquarters: "Bergner emphasized to Su Wen that the military must fully respect the rights of demonstrators to hold peace rally and ensure that the demonstrators will not be retaliated."

Bergner also reminds the Burmese military that "the world is watching its actions closely, and any form of tough response to peaceful demonstrators may bring serious consequences."

A small group of people gathered again outside the Myanmar Central Bank on Tuesday morning, hoping to call on the central bank employees to participate in their "citizen disobedience".

The military cut off the Internet service for the second time on Monday evening, and it was not restored until 9 am local time (Singapore time at 10:30 on Tuesday in Singapore time).

The Myanmar Political Criminal Mutual Assistance Association suspected that the military has blocked the Internet to launch a wanton arrest.The Association said that as of Monday, 426 people had been arrested by the military.