(Morning News) A total of 400 million cumulative crown diagnosis cases in the world took about 300 million yuan to 400 million. It took only about one month.

Xinhua News Agency reported that the latest statistics from the crown disease epidemic released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States show that as of Tuesday, Eastern Tuesday (February 8th) at 5:21 pm (Singapore time on Wednesday, Wednesday, WednesdayAt 6:21 am), a total of 40,244,031 accurate cases of crown diseases in the world started, and a total of 5.76208 deaths were accumulated.

The data shows that the world's cumulative confirmed cases exceeded 100 million on January 26, 2021, from August 4 of the same year, more than 200 million, and more than 300 million on January 6, 2022.

The United States is the country with the largest number of cumulative diagnosis and death cases. The cumulative diagnosis cases start from 77.027,527, and a total of 900,8262 deaths have been accumulated.

There are other countries in the top cumulative confirmed cases include India, Brazil, France, Britain, Russia, and Turkey. There are many countries with more cumulative death cases including Brazil, India, Russia, Mexico, and Peru.

The above data comes from data from various countries and regions that John Hopkins University Coronary Virus Research Project.