(Morning News) U.S. researchers discovered the Omikon variant strain on Baili Deer in New York, worried that the species may become the host of the new variants of crown diseases.The United States has as many as 30 million white -tailed deer.

Reuters reported that the research team led by scientists led by the State University of Pennsylvania collected blood and nose swabs from 131 white -tailed deer captured by Staten Island in New York.The white tail deer responds to Omikon's antibody.

Researchers said that this discovery shows that these deer had been infected with crown disease and it was easy to infect new variant strains.

Pennsylvania veterinarian Microbiologist Kuchipi said on Tuesday (February 8): "The spread of viruses in the animal population has always increased its possibility of returning to humans, but more importantlyYes, this provides more opportunities for the evolution of the virus into a new variant. "

Kuki Pudi said:" When the virus is completed, it can avoid the existing crown disease., We have to change the vaccine again. "

This is the first time that researchers have detected Omikon variants on wild animals, and Omikon is now spreading in the United States and led to confirmed cases in the United States.Surgery.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the United States said that although there is no evidence that animals will spread crown diseases to humans, most of the cases of animal infection reports have close contact with people who are diagnosed.