(Beijing News) In response to Russian official media reports that China, Russia, and Iran will hold a naval joint exercise in the Indian Ocean in mid -month.

The three countries of the Three Kingdoms of China, Russia, and Iraqi held the first maritime joint exercise between the Three Kingdoms at the end of December 2019.

According to Reuters, the Russian New News Agency quoted the Russian ambassador to Iranian Dzhagaryan on Monday (8th), "The next multilateral naval exercise will be in February 2021It is carried out in the northern Indian Ocean in the middle of the year. "

He said that the content of the military exercise mainly includes cooperative exercises, rescue, and guarantee sailing safety.

John Kirby, a spokesman for the US Department of Defense, responded at a regular press conference that day, saying that the military exercise would not affect the United States' actions in the region: "The Navy's exercise can be expected to be expectedWell, I don't think we will treat such exercises as obstacles to the freedom of defending navigation and supporting allies and partners around the world. "

The Daily Mail of the UK said that as early as February 5, Gholamreza Tahani, a senior Iranian Navy, had revealed the above news to local TV stations.

Tashan said: "The information passed on this exercise is peaceful, friendship, and lasting for lasting and safe through unity and cooperation."