The anti-vaccine demonstration of Canadian truck drivers became stronger.Ottawa Mayor Watson asked the federal government to send 1,800 police officers to the city on Mian to assist in the end of the chaos.The Supreme Court of Ontario issued a temporary ban on the same day to prohibit the whistle of the demonstrators from disturbing the people, and the Minister of Transport called on the local government to cancel the licenses of these truck drivers.However, the demonstrators will continue to fight until the authorities cancel all crown disease restrictions.

The Canadian government stipulates that all inbound passengers, including truck drivers to and from the United States and Canada, must show vaccination certificates.On the 29th of last month, the dissatisfied truck driver drove to Ottawa collectively to express protests in a paralyzed city center.This "siege" operation has lasted for more than 10 days. The picture shows the demonstrators who are stuffy on the street hockey on the street.(AFP)