Zhao Shaokang returned to the Kuomintang and said that the Blue Camp should conduct a major debate of cross -strait policy.Liu Lingzhong, an associate professor at the Department of Marine and Border Management of Kinmen University, pointed out that debate itself is not difficult. The most difficult thing is to discuss the three major three major in the face of "whether you can get out of new ideas", "Talk about whether the 1992 consensus", and "whether both sides of the strait agree".challenge.

According to the China Times Electronics Daily, Liu Lingzhong was the deputy director of the Kuomintang Youth Department, the deputy chairman of the administrative committee, and the deputy convener of the cross -strait youth exchange promotion team.In an interview with the China Evaluation Agency, he pointed out that of course Zhao Shaokang's return can enhance the Kuomintang's combat power, but at this stage, Zhao's performance of 2024 President's position is too positive.If you are cautious, you will be round. "

Liu Lingzhong believes that Zhao directly pointed out the current dilemma of the Kuomintang, and pointed out that the biggest controversial point of the current team of the Party Central Committee is very attempt. It is really good for the Kuomintang to have such positive people;It is difficult to put forward a new statement. Jiang Qichen tried but did not do it. Whether Zhao Neng broke through from it was the key.

Liu Lingzhong pointed out that Zhao Shaokang's cross -strait policy exposition mainly faces three major challenges: whether you can get out of new ideas, talk about the consensus of 1992, and whether both sides of the strait agree.The party -affairs reform team under Jiang Qichen has also argued on the cross -strait discussion, but then there has been a controversy of "going to the 1992 Consensus" and "advocating the convergence of the DPP".Cross -strait policies are inevitable.