A video about the "Chinese Aerospace Mysterious Ceremony" about the "Chinese Aerospace Mysterious Ceremony" began to become popular online.He disclosed how Chinese aerospace people destroyed confidentiality information, and also revealed the interesting news before the rocket launch.

According to the China Economic Network report, this video was originally from the 24th lecture on "Science Popular China-I am a scientist" on August 22, 2020.

Huang Bing introduced that every time the launch task was over and left Hainan's Wenchang launch site, Chinese astronauts must destroy confidential documents.

He revealed that these files are all placed in the losing ten floors of basement. In the ultra -difficult password box behind the 50 -meter cement wall and ten iron doors, the keys were stored separately by five people.When destroying the file, all the data on the computer are destroyed, and the paper files are chopped with a paper machine. After that, the staff usually find a remote place by the seaside, and then burn the confidential information.

But the most attractive attention to netizens is that while burning confidential information, the participating staff will also sing and dance around the bonfire.This is not only a celebration of the success of the task before leaving, but also a good wish for the next task.

Netizens commented that Chinese aerospace people were "simple and rude" when destroying confidentiality information, andTearing textbooks when graduating from high school is exactly the same.(internet)

Therefore, some netizens teased. This method of destruction is a bit "familiar", which is exactly the same as when tearing the textbooks when graduating from high school.

In addition to singing and dancing around the bonfire, Huang Bing also tells a story with a sense of ritual: On the day of launch, astronauts usually eat buns. One is the tight arrangement.The buns mean "the task is successful".

According to Huang Bing, every time the launch is over, everyone will return to a large cafeteria, around the big screen.Many post comrades could not see the scene when they were launched. They could only feel the shock of the rocket after the rocket took off. After returning, they gathered together to relive the video on the big screen to feel the shock of the launch and celebrate success.