The Chinese Special Working Team will review the US strategy to China, review intelligence, technology, Indian Pacific military deployment, and extensive topics such as the United States' allies and partnerships in Asia and make suggestions.

(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. President Biden announced on Wednesday (February 10) that the Ministry of National Defense will set up a special Chinese working group to examine the US strategy to China, review intelligence, technology, Pacific India's military deployment, and the Pacific of India, andThe United States' allies and partnerships in Asia have made extensive topics and put forward suggestions.

Bynden visited the Ministry of Defense for the first time accompanied by Vice President Harris and Minister of Defense Austin that day.He told the Ministry of Defense's senior generals and leaders that the United States must adopt a "strong" method to deal with Sino -US relations, because China is already the main strategic threat of the United States, but the United States will not complain of force.

Biden tried to distinguish from the national defense policy of the former Trump administration, and promised that national security affairs would not be affected by domestic politics.

Bynden said: "I will never humiliate or disrespect you, and I will not politically politically defense." And said, "How do you think about and re -determine our safety priority matters in orderThe challenges of this century are very important. "

He emphasized that now we must review the military strategy of China.

He also said: "We must deal with China's increasingly powerful challenges to maintain peace and defend our interests in India and the world."

Biden expressed his determination to defend the interests of the United States, saying that he would deploy the US army that would not hesitate to protect the key interests of the United States.But he said that the United States would not easily move martial arts, "force must be the last means."

U.S. officials say that the purpose of establishing the Chinese Special Working Group is to coordinate the various functions of the government, including economic, political, diplomatic, and military functions to form a consistent policy to fight against China.

It is known that members of the special working group will include soldiers and civilians of the Ministry of National Defense, and the chief adviser to Chinese affairs Ely Ratner, the chief adviser to the Chinese Australian Australia.Latner worked in his office in his office in his early years and was a deputy national security adviser when he served as Vice President in Biden.

The working group consisting of 15 people will make suggestions on the main priority and decision -making points within four months.However, the Pentagon stated that the relevant conclusions may not be disclosed.Military leaders are estimated to report to parliament members.

Bynden emphasized on Wednesday that the review of the Pentagon's strategy of China must obtain support from the two parties and Congress in China, and at the same time, it must also win the support of allies and other partner countries.He said: "We will do this to deal with China's challenges and ensure that Americans win in future competition."

Since Biden came to power, Sino -US tensions have not shown signs of relief.At the beginning of this week, the two US military carrier battle groups launched a joint exercise in the South China Sea. China immediately accused the United States offending the peace and stability of the region.However, US officials said that the recent interaction between the Chinese and American troops in the South China Sea is still safe and professional.