Analysts pointed out that although the Burmese army launched a coup and was condemned by all parties, Myanmar would not be isolated as in the past, because China, India, Southeast Asian neighbors and Japan are unlikely to cut off with it with it.connect.

(Yangon Composite Electric) Myanmar's anti -political change demonstration entered the fifth day yesterday. The people gathered outside the embassy of the United Nations Office and the embassies of large countries such as China, USA and India.However, the analysis believes that the geographical location of Myanmar is too important, and it is unlikely to be isolated.

The military has recently consolidated power through various means, including stepping up civilian leaders who have been rushed down, taking more tough means to opposition demonstrators, and supporting the support of neighboring countries.

Thai Prime Minister Ba Yu revealed yesterday that Mintanglai, commander of the Burmese Defense Force, wrote to him, asking him to support Myanmar's democracy.Bayu was also born in officers. In 2014, a coup was launched to overthrow the Prime Minister of Thailand.

Bayu said: "We support the democratic process of Myanmar, but the most important thing now is to maintain a good relationship because it affects people's, economic, and border trade."

During the Sanctuary of the Military Tuesday Search into the Bangon Headquarters of the Democratic League

In China, during the evening dinner on Tuesday, the military sent someone to forcibly break into the original Democratic Alliance of the original ruling party (referred to as the Democratic League) at Yangon's headquarters to launch a thorough search.

The League leader rushed to the headquarters to evaluate the losses after the curfew time ended at 4 am, and found that all the doors were forcibly pried open.The book and the bank were also moved away.

Since the military coup on February 1st, Myanmar has erupted anti -political change demonstrations across the country for many days.After the military warned on Monday, the police fired the water cannon to drive the demonstrators the next day, and shot towards the air, and even fired rubber bullets and tear bullets to the demonstrators.Dozens of people were injured in the conflict, and the two were suspected to be hit by real bouncing, and the injuries were critical.

The UN Burmese Human Rights Special Reporter Andrews warned Myanmar not to use force to deal with peaceful demonstrators.The statement issued from Geneva said: "Myanmar military and police must know that‘ obedience ’s order’ cannot be used as a risk of violence. ”

Civil servants gather near the central market

The United States once again called on soldiers to return to the people, and said that they were reviewing assistance to Myanmar to ensure that the people launching a coup face "serious consequences".The State Council spokesman Puris said on Tuesday: "We once again call on the military to hand over regimes, restore the government of democratic elections, release the detainees, release all telecommunications communication restrictions, and avoid the use of force."

Although the police may be more tough, the demonstrators have taken the streets for fighting on the street for the fifth consecutive day yesterday.In the capital of the capital, civil servants of multiple government departments gathered near the Central Market, shouting "Don't enter the office", ignoring the warning of the military that they told them not to participate in politics.

In the Eastern Krabon, a group of police officers joined the ranks of demonstrators and raised the pace of "we don't want dictatorship".

At Yangon, a commercial hub, demonstrators gathered at the entrance of the embassies of the United States, Japan, China, South Korea, and India and outside the United Nations Office.Many people are sitting in the plastic inflatable pool to protest the police use powerful water cannons to deal with demonstrators.

Student Sodad (22 years old), a student who launched this quiet sitting, said: "We just call on (US President) Biden and (President of China) Xi Jin Equal World leaders, do not support the military government, and do not work with the military with the militaryThe government interaction. "He also said:" We are not worried about water cannons and bullets, because the military dare not do so in front of these embassies. "

However, analysts pointed out that although the Burmese army was condemned by all parties, Myanmar would not be isolated as in the past, because China, India, Southeast Asian neighbors and Japan were unlikely to cut off contact with it.

Palovar, a senior lecturer at the University of Eastern and African Studies University of London, said: "From a geographical point of view, this country is too important.Will use Asia as the lead, not the West. "