(Morning News) US President Bayeng warned on Monday (February 7) that if Russia invaded Ukraine, there would be no natural gas pipeline "Beixi 2" connected to Russia and Germany.He emphasized that the United States and Germany "pace" and oppose Russia's potential military aggression against Ukraine.

Reuters reported that Biden made a meeting with the first visiting German Prime Minister Tsumin in the White House Oval Office.

Bynden said: "If Russia invades again ... there will be no Beixi 2. We will end." When asked how he would do this, he replied: "I assure you that we will be able to do this."

It was accused of being criticized to the media at home and abroad in the Ukrainian crisis that was criticized at home and abroad that if RussiaThe invasion of Ukraine will pay a very high price and states that the Minister of Defense has announced the plan to add 350 soldiers to Lithuania.

Souls said: "Germany is one of the most intimate allies in the United States. We are coordinating and aggressive operations to strengthen Russia's aggression in Europe, respond to challenges from China, and promote the Westbargan region.Stability. "

" Nord Stream 2 "(Nord Stream 2) natural gas pipeline project is the most controversial energy project in Europe. There is no need to transit Ukraine, and the Russian natural gas is directly transported to Germany and other European countries.The entire pipeline is about 1200 kilometers in length.

This natural gas pipeline is designed by the Russian energy giant Gazprom, which can double the natural gas from Russia to Germany.