(London Composite Electric), British Prime Minister Johnson, who is trapped in the "Party Gate" scandal, promised the Conservatives to reform its senior team and appointed the new staff of the new staff and the director of the correspondence on the weekend.However, his self -rescue measures may have come too late, and the Conservative Party may already have enough back seat members to launch unbelievable motion this week.

Johnson experienced a crackdown on resigning in 24 hours last week.

In order to get rid of the predicament, he quickly adjusted the team and appointed the Cabinet Office Minister Buckley as the Chief of Staff, and the former assistant Harry was the communication director.

In addition to adjusting the work team, Johnson also promised to members to make them have greater influence on government decisions, and imply that important policies also have room for discussion.He also intends to replace the party whip of the Conservative Party in Congress.

Johnson is running with time.The Times reported on Sunday that Johnson's consultant estimates that there are currently 35 to 45 posterior members of the rear seats that the "1922 Committee" shows that they do not trust the Prime Minister. Some people even estimate that more than 50 members have done so, so Johnson may be as soon as this week.Faced with disagreement motion.

According to the provisions of the Conservative Party, to start a mobilized motion for the Prime Minister, 15%or 54 members must send a letter to the 1922 committee's statement.

The Sunday Times report said that Johnson's wife Carrie had suggested that he considers his resignation, but the report also quoted his allies that he made it clear that he would not resign willingly, implying that a armored tank division could only be required to be ableDrag him down.

The support rate of the Conservative Party has lagged behind the Labor Party, and the increase in inflation rate will further allow the British to face greater life pressure.

This makes the "party door" scandal very unfavorable to Johnson and the Conservative Party.

Graph, former Deputy Minister of Education, believes that Johnson is difficult to turn the tide, and the Conservative Party must change the prime minister to recover the people.

Another challenger of the Conservative Party called for Johnson to temporarily suppress his ambitions and focus on leading Britain to face the era of high inflation.

The former party leader Smith said that when it is not challenging Johnson, many people are facing the challenge of energy costs and food inflation. This is the "top priority."