The commander of the United States Strategic Command, Richard, wrote that China and Russia have begun to use power tools and military threats to challenge international standards, and said that "it is believed that the opponents of the nuclear war with the nuclear power can not happen directly after direct warriors.The era of armed conflict has ended. "

(Washington News) The United States Strategic Command warns that the United States may indeed have a nuclear conflict with China and Russia, so a new deterrent strategy must be formulated to respond to the threat of China and Russia.

At the same time, the Bayeng government agreed to extend the newly reduced strategic weapon treaty between the United States and Russia for five years, and stated that it would strengthen military control within the extension period and reduce China's threat of nuclear weapons.

The Voice of the United States reported that Richard, commander of the United States Strategic Command, wrote in the latest issue of the journal "Proceedings" in the naval college journal "Proceedings" pointed out that China and Russia have begun to use power tools and military threats to challenge international standards, and said that they "believeAfter the Cold War, the era of direct armed conflicts with opponents of the Nuclear Power has ended. "

He said that although the probability of nuclear war is very low, it is not impossible."If Russia and China believe that the loss caused by conventional wars will threaten their regimes or countries, then it may quickly upgrade to conflict involving nuclear weapons with their regional crisis.'Transition to' using nuclear weapons is very practical ', and take action to face and prevent it from happening. "

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He also said that the investment in the development of nuclear weapons and strategic capabilities in recent years in China and Russia and the deployment of advanced strategic forces have caused the United States to take more action to enhance deterrence and adjust deterrence programs based on new threats.

In comparison of the threat of China and Russia, Richard believes that according to China's current military power construction, it can become a strategic opponent in the future, and the United States should not mistake China as a weaker party."China is constantly expanding the nuclear arsenal, and the number of nuclear warheads is expected to double in the next 10 years."

He said that China ’s pursuit of large -scale missiles and other strategic weapons does not match it."Although China has always implemented the" not using nuclear weapons "policy, Beijing's practice of increasing the construction of advanced military capabilities should make us think twice. This policy may change instantly."

The US Strategic Command is responsible for missile defense and strategic deterrence.A spokesman for the Command said that Richards proposed at the hearing last year that if the current approach continues, the United States will face two rivals of their ability in 10 years.It is very important to issues such as resource demand.

Chinese military experts: Evaluate "prudent and appropriate"

Shi Daoan, an expert in Chinese military issues in Rand, believes that Richard's assessment is "prudent and appropriate."

"Although the possibility of the nuclear war at this stage is very low, the future Chinese and Russian leaders may think that the conventional conflict with the United States will cause them to face failure, and then decide to resort to nuclear weapons."

In addition, in response to former US President Trump's requesting China to join the new cutting strategic weapon treaty, Prukins Society's military -controlled visiting researcher Pippver pointed out that only negotiations between the United States, Russia, and China are unrealistic.; The number of nuclear warheads in the United States and Russia is much higher than that of China. Therefore, Beijing will not promise to reduce the absence of nuclear weapons, and the United States and Russia will not reduce the level of nuclear weapons to China.

He said that the possible solution was that the United States and Russia reached another agreement that contained all nuclear weapons, and then persuaded China and other nuclear countries to make an upper limit commitment."The State Council seems to be in the statement of extending the new strategic weapon treaty that the Bayeng government will negotiate further with Russia on the issues of disarmament involving nuclear weapons and talk to China. This is the right direction."