(Morning News) A think tank in Washington has determined that a North Korean military base near the Chinese border may be used to deploy intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Reuters reported that the report of the Strategic and International Research Center was based on a satellite image taken at the Hoejung-Ni base (Hoejung-Ni) base in Cijiang Road, North Korea on January 21.The base is about 25 kilometers away from the Chinese border and is about 280 kilometers northeast of Pyongyang.

The report quotes people familiar with the matter and said that the missile base is expected to have a group -level unit of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The report added that if the intercontinental ballistic missile in North Korea fails to operate, the base may be used to deploy medium -range ballistic missiles in the short term, and it means that North Korea launched a "Mars 12 12 in Cijiang Road last month.Type "Middle ballistic missile.

The Strategic and International Research Center stated that the base of Cijiang Road and Pingjun Junzhong is one of the 20 ballistic missile bases that North Korea has never announced to the public.This base was built 20 years ago, but only completed the construction in the near future.