Fune -Zhuzhi Tokyo Tokyo Special officer

The world attaches importance to net zero emissions.As a result, nickel and lithium as a key metal demand for batteries increase.Yomiuri News reported yesterday that in order to ensure the supply of these two rare metals, the Japanese authorities will double the investment and mining business in regions including Southeast Asia.

As the main raw materials for batteries, lithium and nickel are pivotal in renewable energy products.In addition to electric vehicles, the construction of solar energy and wind energy equipment is also indispensable for these two rare metals.The International Energy Agency estimates that by 2040, the global demand for lithium will be about 280,000 tons, which is 13 times that of 2020; the demand for nickels will also increase by 5.5 times to 1.3 million tons.

So far, ensuring that the supply of fossil fuel supply such as oil and natural gas has been the top priority of the Japanese government, but under the net zero emissions policy, the Japanese authorities have revised the basic energy plan and incorporated rare metals into international resources into international resources.Priority area for procurement.

Japan mainly imports rare metals from South America and Southeast Asian countries.Sample news believes that from the perspective of "economic security", the higher the investment ratio of Japanese companies in overseas investment in the mining industry, it means that it has greater the right to speak in mining.

For this reason, the Japanese authorities have decided to expand their private enterprises to invest in mining industry.Earlier, the Japanese government's investment limit for mining projects was less than 50%.In the future, it will double and increase the amount of funding to less than 100%.This is not only to reduce the risk of private companies' participation in overseas, but also expands the financial resources of private companies so that they can bet boldly when facing strong financial opponents.

As a battery raw material for electric vehicles, the supply of rare metals such as lithium and nickel will produce Japanese cars.Yomiuri News revealed yesterday that Japanese car company Toyota has invested in lithium ore business in Argentina; Japanese resident metals also participated in nickel refining business in the Philippines and other countries.

However, the report also said that when Japanese companies bid for mining industry overseas, they often face the competition of Chinese strong capital.Examples show that Indonesia's nickel production is the largest in the world, accounting for more than 30%of the world's output.In 2019, the local government announced the tightening of nickel export restrictions, establishing the "International Electric Vehicle Battery Production Center", and encouraging foreign capital to enter.At that time, China responded quickly. The Chinese stainless steel manufacturer Qingshan Holdings Group built a battery component factory in central Surawesi in the nickel area in the same year.

Obviously, the Japanese authorities must double the investment to insert flags on resourceful land combined with the power of official and private companies.