(Washington/Warsaw/Berlin/HalkovovComprehensive Electric) U.S. officials quoted intelligence assessments that Russia is stepping up preparations for fully invasion of Ukraine. At present, 110,000 troops have been deployed on the border near Ukraine, which is about 70 % of the military power required by the country.If the attack is fully attacked, the Russian army can occupy Kiev in 48 hours and overthrow the country's President Zelezki.

In recent days, US officials who introduced the situation to the US Congress and European allies told the situation that the battle group deployed around Ukraine in Ukraine increased from 60 battalions two weeks ago to last Friday (February 4th (February 4th 4thToday) 83 camps and 14 camps are being mobilized.At the current speed, the 150,000 troops required for comprehensive offensive attacks in mid -February.

Moscow also deployed a naval forces with five amphibious ships in the Black Sea, which can transport the Russian forces on the southern coast of Ukraine.Another six amphibious ships are leaving the Baron branch in northern Russia. It is expected to pass through the Britain and sail to the Strait of the Gibralta. Obviously, it is on the way to the Black Sea.Moscow also deployed fighters, bombers, missiles and air defense companies on the Russian border.

The Mei Intelligence Department is not sure whether Putin has decided to attack

As for the invasion time, U.S. officials are expected to be from mid -February to the end of March.The area of the area will reach the icing peak around February 15th and will continue until the end of March.The Russian army can use this geographical condition, without having to pass through the road through the road to transport military reserve.

However, the US intelligence department is not sure whether Russian President Putin has decided to attack Ukraine.U.S. officials believe that Putin should master all diplomatic and military plans, including launching a comprehensive war against Ukraine or a limited battle in the Donbas area where Ukraine pro -Russia.

U.S. officials say that comprehensive offensive will lead to 25,000 to 50,000 civilians, 5,000 to 25,000 Ukrainian soldiers, and 3,000 to 10,000 Russian soldiers.Ten thousand refugees, most of these refugees will rush to Poland.

Western countries are also strengthening the military power in Eastern Europe.The U.S. troops sent to Poland will arrive on Saturday, and the rest will be later.After Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, NATO has sent a 5,000 -person troops to Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

The first representative of the Russia to the United Nations Pollyzuski said through Twitter that US intelligence officials said that Russia might fully invade Ukraine, which was "crazy speech and alarmist."

French President Macron will visit Moscow and Kiev today to negotiate with the leaders of the two countries to resolve the Ukrainian crisis.Leaders in Germany, France, and Poland will hold a meeting in Berlin tomorrow to try to help resolve the tension of Russia through diplomatic efforts.