(Washington Composite Electric) There are more than 900,000 crown diseases in the United States on Friday.President Biden said, "the United States records another tragic milestone."

Statistics from the University of John Hopkins, as of Friday, Eastern Time, more than 76.224 million in the United States, with more than 900,4067 death cases.The patient has more population than South Dakota.

The crown disease death cases from more than 800,000 on December 12 last year, increased to 900,000 in one and a half months.Although the cases of Omikon in the infection of coronary strain began to decrease, the daily death cases were still rising. On average, about 2,400 people died of illness per day, and the number of hospitalizations remained high.

Director Valenceki, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said: "There are still many inpatients, so that the ability and manpower in some regions are near the limit."In the statement, the American people were urged to vaccine and additional agents as soon as possible.He said: "Vaccine and additional agents have proven to be very effective and can provide the highest level of protection."

The illness of the United States is still rising, and the low vaccination rate is one of the reasons.According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of the 4th, the population of two -dose vaccination was 212 million, accounting for 64%of the total population.The United States began vaccination in mid -December 2020, and the number of deaths at that time was about 300,000.

Most of the patients died after a few weeks of infection.Experts point out that most of the infected people who need to be hospitalized are those who have not vaccinated vaccines and have other chronic diseases.The data also shows that Omikon's blow to the United States is greater than other countries with young people (such as African countries).

Research: Fighting Omikon or no targeted vaccine

The number of illnesses in the United States is the largest in the world, and then Russia, Brazil, andIn India, the total number of deaths in the four countries was more than 18 million.According to statistics released by Agence France -Presse on Friday, since the epidemic in December 2019, crown disease has led to at least 5.7 million people around the world.However, the World Health Organization believes that the actual number of deaths may be two or three times higher.

This wave of epidemic in the United States was caused by Omikon, but research by the US government found that the existing Modner vaccine and Omikon vaccine have not obviously played on monkeys.Unlike, this shows that against Omikon without targeted vaccines.

The researchers were vaccinated by monkeys who had two doses of Modner vaccination nine months ago or a vaccine or a vaccine specifically targeted at Omikon.When they found that these two monkeys were in contact with various variant viruses, including Omikon, the neutral and antibodies produced were significantly increased and the level was equal.