(Morning News) US national security adviser ShalvinIt is said that the situation in Russia is in a window period. He said that Russia may invade Ukraine at any time, but diplomacy is still another option.

Reuters reported that Sunday Sunday (February 6) said in an interview with Fox News: "We are in a window period.Russia may take military operations on Ukraine, but Russia may also take diplomatic channels. "

Shatin is a US official that the Russian side has deployed to the country near the Ukrainian border.70%of the combat effectiveness made this.

In addition, Shalvin added that Russia may take a variety of different actions, including annexation of the Donbass region of East Ukrainian (including Donetsk and Ligesk), cyber attacks or invasion of UkraineEssence

Shatin said in an interview with the US Broadcasting Corporation (ABC): "Putin is likely to order to attack Ukraine."

He means that Russia may take action on Monday, but it may also be inA few weeks later took action."From the perspective of the Russian military deployment, he (Putin) is already in a position that can launch a positive offensive against Ukraine at any time."

The United States and its allies have warned many times that if Russia invades UkraineEconomic sanctions and export control measures.US Deputy Secretary of Finance, Aderamo, was asked when I was interviewed by the Columbia Broadcasting Corporation (CBS News) on Sunday and was asked if Russia could ask for help to China.

Adegemo said: "China cannot provide Russia with things they don't have." He said that China cannot provide the key technologies of the United States and its allies that Russia needs, and China is not the first choice for Russia's elite to invest in funds.place.

Adeeimo said that Russian elites who do not want to be excluded from the global financial system will not put money in China, "they all put money in Europe and the United States."

In April 2014, Russia -supported Wudong separated militia armed forces with the Ukrainian government forces with a bloody conflict. The militia armed forces later announced the establishment of the "Donetsk People's Republic" and the "Lugusk People's Republic".After mediation by the international community, the conflict between the conflicts reached a ceasefire agreement in Minusk, the capital of Belarus in September 2014 and February 2015. Since then, large -scale armed conflicts have been controlled, but small -scale firefights have occurred from time to time.