Myanmar military coup ● Follow -up

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications of Myanmar yesterday ordered all domestic telecommunications operators to interrupt the Facebook and Facebook communication application WhatsApp service yesterday until midnight the day after tomorrow.In addition, about 20 people were demonstrated outside the Mandler Medical University yesterday, and at least three were arrested after the demonstration.

(Yangon / Mandler Comprehensive Electric) After Myanmar launched a coup to seize power, folk protest sound is getting louder and louder. In addition to speaking on social media facebooks.Protest, this is the first public demonstration after the coup.The military ordered the facebook to ensure the stability of the country.

After the Myanmar military launched a coup on Monday, the folk shocked, and responded to the call of the seized state -owned administrative administrative government, Weng Shan Shuzhi, and said no to the soldiers.Yesterday, about 20 people demonstrated outside the Mandler Medical University.According to the videos of the demonstrator live and uploaded through the facebook, they held a banner written with "the people protest for military coup" and shouted: "Now let go of people, let people now release our leaders."

This is the first time since the military launching a coup.Three student organizations active in Yangon and Mandler confirmed that at least three were arrested after the demonstration.

Wengshan and President Wen Min and many other national democratic alliances (Democratic League) leaders were detained by the military on Monday morning, and the military's control of Weng Shan Shuzhi violated the import and export law on Wednesday.That night, there were many people in Yangon who protested the soldiers' section of power by knocking on pots, singing and ringing.

Since the arrest of Wengshan, many facebook users in Myanmar have uploaded and forwarded photos of their protests in various ways.Some medical staff in government hospitals also shared their "disobedience" campaign launched through Facebook, and uploaded doctors and nurses wearing a red ribbon representing the color of the people's alliance to support Wengshan and the Lumino League.

Myanmar well -known democratic movement elements, 1988 leader of Xueyun, also called on the public to come forward to show how many people oppose the military change.

After this information and photos are widely reposted and shared on the social media platforms dominated by Facebook, the mood of dissatisfaction is increasingly rising.Yesterday, the Ministry of Transport or Communications ordered all domestic telecommunications operators to interrupt the Facebook and Facebook communication application WhatsApp services, until midnight the day after day, on the grounds that it maintained national stability.

The department pointed out that the authorities decided to block the facebook because users "spread false news and false information, causing misunderstandings."

Facebook Company has never disclosed how many users in Myanmar, but according to media estimates, half of Myanmar's more than 53 million people is a facebook user.

Facebook company was blocked and issued a statement, calling on the Myanmar authorities to restore the Facebook link as soon as possible so that the public can communicate with relatives and friends and obtain important information.

After the Burmese people were unable to use Facebook, they turned to another social media to push Twitter, causing the number of new users to Twitter to increase sharply.For a while, the "#Citizen's Resistance Movement" became the number one Twitter hot word in Myanmar, and the second was "#Myanmar Essence of Justice".

UN Secretary -General: Mobilize the international community to put pressure on the international community

At the same time, the United Nations stated that the international community will mobilize the international community to put pressure on the Burmese military to fail its coup.

UN Secretary -General Gutres said in an interview with the Washington Post on Wednesday: "We will do their best to mobilize all key figures and the international community to put pressure on Myanmar to ensure the failure of this coup.After the normal election and the long period of democratic transformation, it is absolutely impossible to launch a coup to reverse the results of the election and violate the people's will. "