(United Nations Comprehensive Electric) Reuters quoted a confidential report of the United Nations that North Korea continued to promote its nuclear plan and missile plan development last year; network attacks on cryptocurrency exchange platforms were still important income from North Korea.source.

According to the independent sanctions supervisor reported to the United Nations, although there was no report on the nuclear test or testing the intercontinental ballistic missile missiles last year, North Korea has been developing the "ability to produce nuclear fission materials".

This annual report wrote: "North Korea is still continuing to maintain and develop nuclear and ballistic missile infrastructure, and through channels including the Internet and joint scientific research, continue to find materials for these projects overseas, materials, and overseas, andTechnology and knowledge. "

The United Nations has imposed sanctions on North Korea in 2006, and has continued to strengthen sanctions to block the source of funds for its nuclear and missile plans.Nevertheless, last year, North Korea still "accelerated" the pace of test missiles.The report reads: "The North Korean missile forces show strongly deploying capabilities, greater mobility (including at sea), and stronger elasticity."It is an attack on cryptocurrency assets and is still an important source of income from North Korea.According to a report released by CHAINALYSIS of Cyber Security Company last month, North Korean hackers launched at least seven attacks on the cryptocurrency platform last year, stealing digital assets with a total value of nearly 400 million US dollars (about 538.29 million yuan).

Including illegal smuggling activities such as luxury goods, it is roughly stopped because North Korea has strengthened border control during the crown disease.In the second half of last year, the export volume of North Korean coal has increased, but it is still at a relatively low level; the quality of refined oil imported by North Korea has also increased sharply at the same time, but the level is also much lower than in previous years.

The report also pointed out that the humanitarian situation of North Korea last year "continued to deteriorate", which may be related to the ocean blockbuster measures.Information from North Korea is limited, making it difficult for sanctions to evaluate the impact of UN sanctions on the people's livelihood on North Korea.