(Vienna Comprehensive Electric) Austria's forced adult vaccination crownThe law of disease vaccine took effect on Saturday and became the first European alliance country to implement this measure.

The Austrian Federal Parliament passed the vaccination obligations on Thursday (February 3) on Thursday (February 3), and was signed by the President Van Detbelen and Prime Minister Nehamer on Friday afternoon.

The Austrian government launched a legislative process in November last year, and the National Assembly passed the bill on January 20 with most votes.

The law stipulates that Austrian people over the age of 18 have mandatory obligations to vaccinate vaccines, except for pregnant women and people with medical exemptions.The new law is implemented in stages.From the effective date to March 15, the police will not check the public inoculation certificate.After that, the police will ask the public to show the vaccination certificate in daily patrols.Entering the third stage, the government will set up the vaccination registration system for a more detailed inspection, but the government has not yet determined the startup date of this stage.

During the warning stage after the bill takes effect, those who have not vaccinated the vaccine will not face punishment; but from March 16, the offenders may pay 600 to 3600 euros (S $ 924 to 5543).Wait fine.

At present, about 69%of Austria's population completes the vaccine vaccination, and the vaccination rate is low among Western European countries.The Austrian Conservative Government therefore believes that forced vaccination measures must be implemented.

The Austrian vaccination rate is low, but the detection rate is a leading position.Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Austria, which has a population of about 9 million, has performed 144 million polymer enzyme chain reactions (PCR) tests.

Most of the "Life Brain Laboratory" in the suburbs of Vienna, the capital of the capital, will be carried out on the night.

At present, the average daily detection volume of Austria is 370,000.People only need to register the Internet, receive the test agent for free at the pharmacy, rinse their mouths with a detector, and then return the detector back. Within 24 hours, the test results will be received by email.