(Beijing Comprehensive News) When China and Russia held a joint air -on cruise day before yesterday, some fighters flew into the Korean air defense identification zone.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated that cruise does not target third parties, and the Sino -Russian fighter plane complies with international law and has not entered other countries to lead.

Comprehensive Global Times and Yonhap News Agency, the Ministry of Defense of China and Russia jointly announced the day before yesterday (22nd) that the two Air Force organized the implementation of the second joint aircraft cruise in the Asia -Pacific region that day.According to the Ministry of National Defense of China, China sent four-6K fighter aircraft to joint formation with Russia's two Tu-95 fighter aircraft, and organized a joint cruise in relevant airspace organizations in Japan and the East China Sea.

The Ministry of National Defense of China pointed out that China -Russia's joint air strategic cruise aims to further develop a comprehensive strategic collaboration partnership between China and Russia, enhance the strategic cooperation level and joint action capabilities of the two armies, and jointly maintain global strategic stability.The second operation is the annual cooperation plan of the China -Russia Army. It is not targeted at third parties. "" The aircraft aircraft of the two countries strictly abide by the relevant provisions of international law and have not entered the leader in other countries. "

The Chinese and Russian Air Force organized the first time in the Northeast Asian region on July 23 last year to jointly conduct the aircraft strategic cruise in the Northeast Asia. At that timeThe airspace in Japan and the East China Sea organized a joint cruise according to the established routes.

Last year's joint cruise aroused many attention. South Korea condemned Russian military planes to break into South Korea for two times, but was denied by Russia; South Korea and Japan also intercepted the Sino -Russian fighter and warned each other "have entered their territory".Essence

Analysts said that China and Russia's two cruises were selected in the direction of the Japanese Sea and the East China Sea, indicating that China and Russia have continuous and common concerns and concerns about the strategic stability of this direction.

But this situation is slightly different. According to the Yonhap News Agency, the South Korean military claims that the Chinese and Russian military planes "fly into the South Korean defense zone" on the 22nd, but at the same time, it is pointed out that the Chinese side has notified the Korean side in advance, and the military aircraft have not violated the military aircraft.South Korea lead.

Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, emphasized when inquiring yesterday that the air defense identification zone is not a leading air, and countries enjoy the freedom of freedom according to international law."Others lead the air."

The Air Force expert Fu Qianxian believes that China -Russia Airlines strategic cruise is trained accordingly in the international sea and air areas. Other countries have no right to say three and four. "In the pastIt's used to it. "

The Ministry of National Defense's Integrity Department pointed out yesterday that four military planes in China and Russia once flew to the waters near the Diaoyu Islands the day before yesterday.