(Guangzhou / Washington Comprehensive News) The US Navy missile destroyer USS John S. McCain sailed through the Near the sea of the Nansha Islands yesterday.

Tian Junli, a spokesman for the Southern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, said through the WeChat public account of the southern theater yesterday that McCane rushed into the sea of Nansha Island and reefs without permission of the Chinese government.The McCain was driven away.

Tian Junli said: "This kind of behavior of the United States seriously violates China's sovereignty and security, and severely damages the peace and stability of the South (China) Sea region. We expressed resolute opposition."

The Public Relations Department of the Seventh Fleet of the U.S. Navy issued a press release on the Facebook on the same day, saying: "I have proposed illegal and preferred maritime demand in the South China Sea, which poses a serious threat to the freedom of the ocean, including navigation and flying over freedom and freedom.Trade and unstopsed commercial freedom, and economic opportunities in the southern China coastal countries. "

The Seventh Fleet stated that McCain performed the "freedom of navigation" mission in the South China Sea without notifying any claims or obtaining permission to obtain the permission of the request to challenge mainland China, Taiwan and Vietnam.Restrictions on the implementation of "Innocent Passage".

The press release mentioned that "the United States proves that the passage of innocence will not be affected by these restrictions."