(Morning Post) Four officials participating in the World Health Organization (WHO) reform negotiations revealed that the largest donation country in the WHO to give greater independence on the organization to hold a greater independence.The long -term support of the Health Organization.

Reuters reported that according to a document released on the Internet on January 4th, the proposal was proposed by the WHO Sustainable Financing Working Team, which aims to increase the members of the WHO members of each WHO organization.Annual donation amount.

The popularity of crown diseases highlights the limitations of the premium prevention and control of the WHO, and improving the independence of WHO is another part of the widespread reform process stimulated by crown diseases.

Some U.S. officials told Reuters that the Bayeng government opposed the reform proposal because it was concerned that WHO's ability to deal with future threats, including threats from China.

For this reason, the US government is promoting another suggestion, that is, setting up an independent fund directly controlled by the donor country, which is provided by this independent fund to prevent and control sudden sanitary events.

Four European officials participating in the reform of the WHO confirmed that the United States opposed greater autonomy to WHO.Because they spoke to the media without authorization, they all demanded that they were not named.

The U.S. government did not immediately respond to Reuters' comment requests.

WST said when questioned that only forecast and flexible funds can ensure that the WHO can fully implement its members' priority matters.

Three European officials revealed that the major EU donor countries including Germany and most African countries, South Asia, South America, and Arab countries supported the Sustainable financing working group proposed by WHO.