(Morning News) U.S. President Bayidon met with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishida Video on Friday (January 21). The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation on issues such as security, economy and trade to jointly respond to regional and global challenges.Kishida Wenxiong also invited Biden to visit Japan.

Comprehensive reports from Xinhua News Agency and Reuters, the meeting last day lasted about 90 minutes. This is the first time that Kishida Wenxiong took office with Biden.

After the meeting, the White House issued a statement saying that the leaders of the two countries have clarified their commitments to the United States and Japan alliances.Strengthen cooperation in the fields, economic and trade and other fields.

Statement said that the leaders of the two countries emphasized the importance of the "four -sided mechanism" of the United States, Japan, India, and Australia to promote the "free and open" region of the Indo -Pacific region, and determined to ensure that the mechanism is in response to the crown disease epidemic and climate.Change, clean energy and infrastructure have achieved practical results.

A senior US official said that Biden was invited by Kishida Wenxiong to visit Japan in late spring and attend the "Quartet Safety Dialogue Mechanism" leader meeting.

Kishida Wenxiong said that he and Biden agreed to cooperate to achieve free and open Indo -Pacific region, cooperated closely on China and North Korea's missiles, and cooperated on the Ukrainian issue.

In the meeting, the leaders of Japan and the United States agreed to set up the "2+2" consultation framework consisting of Japanese Foreign Minister, Minister of Economic and Industry, and US Secretary of State and Commerce to strengthen the issue of economic security and climate change issues.Cooperation.In terms of Japan -US security cooperation, Kishida said that Japan plans to formulate a new national security protection strategy by the end of this year to fundamentally strengthen Japan's defense capabilities.

Kishida Wenxiong served as Prime Minister of Japan in October 2021, and attended a short talks with Biden in November of the same year during the 26th Conference of the Contracting Conference of the United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention in Glasgow, England.