Michael Xin Sorting

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(Vienna Composite Electric)Fourth passed the new bill, forcing adults who reached the age of 18 next month to an adult vaccine vaccine, becoming the first EU country to be forced to vaccine.

In addition to the opposition of the Right Right, the Austrian Governance Alliance was supported by all other opposition parties.In the voting of the day, there were 137 votes and 33 opposition votes. The large proportion passed the bill.

According to the new bill, after the advocacy period, from mid -March, the vaccine was refused to get a fine of up to 3,600 euros (about 5,500 yuan).

The Austrian Prime Minister Nehame told reporters before passing the new bill: "Only by vaccination can the virus no longer restrict our actions, and our society has the opportunity to re -gain long -term freedom."

Austria just ended the fourth national blockade last month, but recently the rapid spread of the coronary virus Omikon, once again pushed the new cases of the country to a new high, and the accumulated cases have reached the cumulative cases of diagnosis.From 1.5 million, nearly 14,000 people died of illness.

In order to encourage the people to vaccinate the crown disease, the Austrian government will hold a lottery for those who have been vaccinated. The prize is a 500 -euro shopping voucher, which can be used in shops, hotels, restaurants, culture and stadiums.72%of the people in Austria have completed the vaccination of coronary diseases, which is close to the EU's average vaccination rate, but it is still a few percentage points lower than Italy and France.

Some French epidemic prevention measures will be lifted gradually next month

Austria is the first country in the European Union to leg legislation for vaccination. This is not much worldwide.See, only Ecuador, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Indonesia and the Pacific Ocean Federal Federation takes mandatory means to apply vaccines.

The French government announced on Thursday that some epidemic prevention measures will be lifted gradually from the 2nd of next month, including the restrictions on the number of entrants to theater and sports venues, uncomfortable home offices, uncomfortable outdoor wearing maskswait.

Recently, France has more than 400,000 new cases daily, but the authorities believe that there are signs that the epidemic caused by Omikon is fading.

French Prime Minister Castea said at a press conference on Thursday that the government will start to implement vaccine permits next Monday (24th), and pass permits must be presented in public places such as restaurants, theaters.Under this new measure, the negative proof of crown disease testing is no longer applicable.

Castea pointed out that 93%of adults in France have vaccinated at least one dose of coronary vaccine."Since the government announced the implementation of the vaccine permit, there are about 1 million French inoculation. This is very good, but it is not enough."

Castea added that from next week, the coronary vaccineAdding agents will expand to teenagers aged 12 to 17.He also encouraged parents to make children aged five to 11.He hopes that at the end of the winter vacation at the end of February this year, the regulations of students wearing masks in school can be lifted.

Sweden decided to relax the isolation regulations to solve the problem of shortage of staff in the key service sector.Sweden has recently increased rapidly due to the raging of Omiko poison strains.

The Swedish Public Health Agency issued a statement on Thursday saying: "From now on, the quarantine period of the confidant and family members has been reduced from seven days to five days;The epidemic and employees are employed by key industries will not need to be isolated. "The Department said that the amendment regulations will not significantly increase the risk of virus transmission.

Austria is the first country in the European Union to legislate and force the vaccine. This is rare in the world. At present, only Ecuador, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Indonesia and the Pacific Ocean Microneisia in Pacific OceanThe Federation takes mandatory means to apply vaccines.