(Morning News) U.S. Secretary of State Brills and Russian Foreign Minister Raft Ravorf did not make a major breakthrough at Geneva on Friday (January 21), but the two sides agreed to continue dialogue to resolve the Ukraine crisis.

Reuters reported that Brintken emphasized after the meeting that if Russia invaded Ukraine, the United States would respond to it "rapid and severe", Raferov said that Moscow is still waiting for safetySystem of protection required.

Nevertheless, both sides are open to further dialogue. Brinken said that there is reason to have the reason that the security issues that the two parties pay attention to can be resolved.

Brinton refers to the "frankness and substantial" meeting on Friday.He said that Russia is now facing a choice, "it can choose a road that leads to peace and security, or it can also choose a path that can only lead to conflict, serious consequences and international condemnation."Consultation is a better choice.Lavrov said the ball was in the United States.

Lavrov said that the meeting in Geneva was frank and helpful, and said that once the United States received a written response to its comprehensive security requirements, Moscow would know whether the conversation between the two sides was on track.

On the other hand, NATO rejected Russia's request to withdraw its troops from Romania and Bulgaria on Friday.After Russia gathered 100,000 troops near the Ukrainian border, NATO's army in Romania and Bulgaria's army aims to continue to prevent the outbreak of war in Europe.

NATO spokesman Lenjesku issued a statement on the same day: "NATO will not give up our ability to protect and defense with each other, including the arrangement of the garrison in the East of the Alliance."Provide a guarantee of legal binding, and promises no longer expand eastward.