In response to the U.S. military criticizing China's failure to attend military bilateral video conferences, the Chinese navy spokesman Liu Wensheng Naval University responded today that the meeting was not held as scheduled.

The U.S. military criticized China on Wednesday (16th) that China had not attended a high -level video conference that was originally scheduled to be held this week.Davidson, commander of the United States India Command, said that this "once again shows that China does not respect its agreement."

Davidson said that China should attend meetings related to the Military Maritime Consultation Agreement (MMCA) from the 14th to 16th of this month, and this meeting focuses on maritime safety issues.It is said that the U.S. military has conducted MMCA dialogue on a regular basis since 1998.This year's dialogue was originally held online due to the epidemic of the crown disease.

Liu Wensheng pointed out that on November 18, China provided the United States with Chinese suggestions on the topic and arrangement of the conference.However, the United States insisted on pushing its unilateral topic, any compression of the annual meeting time, and changing the nature of the annual meeting. Even when the two sides had not reached an agreement on the issue, they tried to force China to participate.

He criticized: "The United States, these unprofessional, friendly, and unconventional practices, reflect the consistent bullying style of the United States, violate international practices, and violate the defense department of the Chinese and American defense departments in 1998 to establish and strengthen maritime military.The principles of mutual respect and negotiation in the agreement of the security negotiation mechanism will damage the trust between the Chinese Navy and the Indo -Pacific Headquarters. "

Liu Wensheng finally emphasized that mutual respect and negotiation are the principles of any issues between China and the United States to deal with any issues.China attaches great importance to the China -US military safety consultation mechanism and is willing to continue to communicate with the United States on the relevant matters of the meeting.