Ruzhu Hui Tokyo Special Commissioner

The population over 65 or more in Japan has accounted forFor more than 20 % of the total population, China also foresees that the size of the elderly population will be more than Japan because of the "only child policy".The Japanese report pointed out that the elderly society is a common challenge that China and Japan must face, and believe that Japan is a "place for scriptures" for China to deal with aging.

Japan is full of confidence in the knowledge of output nursing. At the same time, it is also expected that the aging of China and Japan is also likely to trigger the battle for nursing talents in the two countries.

A report from Japan quoted Chinese experts in Japan, saying that the age of Chinese population has made local real estate companies actively buying old houses without value -added, and transformed into luxurious nursing homes.It is reported that China is easy to build a luxury home for the elderly, but it still cannot provide high -level nursing services and has to learn from Japan.

Some nursing institutions in Japan are promoting projects that cultivate nursing talents for China. They cooperate with Chinese nurse schools. By recruiting "nursing intern" in China in ChinaWork and study in the nursing home.

At present, nursing education courses are still a new field in China. Talent companies believe that this internship opportunity is attractive to Chinese nurse students.Japan's international medical talent support institutions have cooperated with all the twelve nurses of China to promote internships in Japan. The institution will also introduce Chinese interns to work in Japanese hospitals.

More than 20 years ago, China was a major place for Japanese foreign workers.Today, China's wages have increased, and the Chinese people who work in Japan have decreased.The introduction of nursing intern from China is accused of being a "complementary" of the two countries.Chinese nursing intern went to Japan to make up for the lack of Japanese nurses.

There are reports in Japan that in the field of nursing, China has lagged behind Japan for thirty years.For example, for the understanding of dementia, China is controlled by diseases with drugs; Japan is combined with special nursing and rehabilitation technologies to control the disease.It is reported that Chinese people who have influenced Confucian culture are more filial to their parents than Japanese, so they have great development prospects in China.