The countries around the Omikon epidemic may finally wait for a good news.

Just after the first eight weeks of Omikon's strains were known for the first time, the WHO announced on January 20 that in South Africa, which reported the mutant strain in the earliest report, the Omikon out of the Omicor Rong was coming to an end.

Omikon's epidemic is declining, and this wave of epidemic is ending (South Africa).Dr Matshidiso Moeti, director of the World Health Organization, said at an online press conference on the 20th.

Data show that daily new cases have declined straight in more and more places in South Africa.The proportion of cases with severe diseases is far lower than the peak period of Delta epidemic.Vaccine mdash; mdash; especially after strengthening needle injection, it is still very effective in preventing hospitalization and death.

The rise, peak, and decline of this wave of Omikon's epidemic situation are unprecedented, and its overall impact is milder. Africa is decreased and the number of hospitalizations is relatively small.But the African continent has not reversed the popular situation.Dr. Moti said.

In this wave of epidemic, Africa's cumulative average disease mortality rate (death ratio in confirmed cases) was only 0.68%, and the mortality rate of the three waves of epidemic was above 2.4%.

The Director of the HIV and Tuberculosis Research Office of the South African Medical Research Council, Faride Middot; Fareed Abdullah, said in an interview with the surging news ( that at the South Africa epidemic Gauteng Privece,It is already close to the end of the Omikon epidemic.Other provinces are expected to reach this level in the next two to three weeks.Compared with the previous waves, the number of hospitalizations and deaths have decreased by 80%.

Dr. Julies Pulliam of South Africa Popular Modeling and Analysis Center also confirmed to Surging News that the number and hospitalization rate of all provinces in South Africa are declining.

South Africa may not be the only country that ushered in the end of the Omircon epidemic.There are signs that the UK, another earlier outbreak of Omikon epidemic, is also a rapid outbreak in the same way as South Africa.As the number of infections drop sharply, experts are optimistic that Britain is gradually getting out of this wave of epidemic.In the end, the Omikon variant may become a local disease in the UK, not a major epidemic.

Local diseases are considered to be spread among the crowd, but the level of communication is relatively low and there is no serious public health effect.In other words, it is the influenza of the new crown virus.

The United States is also showing such signs.Despite the number of cases, the number of hospitalizations and deaths in many areas in many parts of the United States, the number of deaths is still rising rapidly.But New York City, which has indicator significance, is rapidly declining.

However, other countries and experts are cautious about the situation of South Africa, and pointed out that the low population age in South Africa and the higher natural immunity obtained in the previous epidemic may be the reason why its epidemic has a mild impact.