Hong Kong media disclosed that the Chinese military is expected to be in the South China Sea instead of the deployment of China's first 075 amphibious attack ship in the East China Sea, indicating that the warship may be used in a controversial waters, or potentially involved in Taiwan.

The Satellite Image obtained by the US Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS) last month showed that the 075 was anchored in Sanya, China, China, China, China.WeChat public account military black technology reported this Monday (7th) that the 075 type 075 is the most likely to be associated with the South China Sea Fleet.

Hong Kong South China Morning Post reported that the 075 type that is expected to be used next year can carry about 30 helicopters and hundreds of soldiers. It is the largest amphibious attack ship in China and the third largest attack ship in the world.Class warship.

Military expert Song Zhongping believes that if the Chinese People's Liberation Army wants to return to Taiwan, the eastern and southern theater must cooperate to launch a joint operation.Song Zhongping believes that the sea conditions of the South China Sea are more complicated, and it is more suitable for the 075 to conduct comprehensive maritime trials to prepare for the warship participating in the battle.

Military sources revealed that among the three types of 075 built in China, the first and second ships will go to the Navy of the Southern theater, because the east port facilities along the coast of Fujian are old and too small to accommodate giant ships.The Yulin Naval Base on Hainan Island is considered the largest naval base in Asia.

Observer.com previously reported that the first 075 type 075 was berth that left Shanghai on the afternoon of August 5th, and entered the East China Sea Water along the Huangpu River for the first sea trial along the Huangpu River.The Strategic and International Research Center posted on the official website last month that the first 075 type was suspected to have gone to the South China Sea for the second round of sea trials. It is expected that the Chinese Navy will have three types of 075 attack ships by 2025.